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Youth Engagement in Climate Change Action: Case Study on Indigenous Youth at COP24
Sustainability ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-05 , DOI: 10.3390/su12166299
Makenzie MacKay , Brenda Parlee , Carrie Karsgaard

While there are many studies about the environmental impacts of climate change in the Canadian north, the role of Indigenous youth in climate governance has been a lesser focus of inquiry. A popularized assumption in some literature is that youth have little to contribute to discussions on climate change and other aspects of land and resource management; such downplay of youth expertise and engagement may be contributing to climate anxiety (e.g., feelings of hopelessness), particularly in remote communities. Creating opportunities for youth to have a voice in global forums such as the United Nations Conference of Parties (COP24) on Climate Change may offset such anxiety. Building on previous research related to climate action, and the well-being of Indigenous youth, this paper shares the outcomes of research with Indigenous youth (along with family and teachers) from the Mackenzie River Basin who attended COP24 to determine the value of their experience. Key questions guiding these interviews included: How did youth impact others? and How did youth benefit from the experience? Key insights related to the value of a global experience; multiple youth presentations at COP24 were heard by hundreds of people who sought to learn more from youth about their experience of climate change. Additional insights were gathered about the importance of family and community (i.e., webs of support); social networks were seen as key to the success of youth who participated in the event and contributed to youth learning and leadership development.


青年参与气候变化行动:COP24 上的土著青年案例研究

虽然有许多关于加拿大北部气候变化对环境影响的研究,但土著青年在气候治理中的作用一直是研究的重点。一些文献中流行的假设是,青年对气候变化和土地和资源管理的其他方面的讨论几乎没有贡献;这种对青年专业知识和参与的淡化可能会导致气候焦虑(例如,绝望感),尤其是在偏远社区。为青年创造机会在诸如联合国气候变化缔约方会议 (COP24) 等全球论坛上发表意见可能会抵消这种焦虑。基于先前与气候行动和土著青年福祉相关的研究,本文与参加 COP24 的 Mackenzie 河流域的土著青年(以及家庭和教师)分享了研究成果,以确定他们的经验价值。指导这些访谈的关键问题包括:青年如何影响他人?青年如何从这次经历中受益?与全球经验价值相关的关键见解;数百人聆听了 COP24 上的多次青年演讲,他们试图从青年那里了解更多关于他们在气候变化方面的经验。还收集了有关家庭和社区重要性的其他见解(即支持网络);社交网络被视为参加活动并为青年学习和领导力发展做出贡献的青年取得成功的关键。