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Incidence and Determinants of Caesarean Section in Shiraz, Iran.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health ( IF 4.614 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-05 , DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17165632
Mahnaz Zarshenas 1 , Yun Zhao 2 , Colin W Binns 2 , Jane A Scott 2

The rate of Caesarean section (CS) without medical indication has increased markedly worldwide in the past decades. This study reports the incidence of CS and identifies the determinants of elective and emergency CS as separate pregnancy outcomes in a cohort of Iranian women. Mothers (n = 700) of healthy, full-term infants were recruited from five maternity hospitals in Shiraz. The association between maternal socio-demographic and biomedical factors with mode of delivery was explored using multivariable, multinomial logistic regression. Most mothers underwent either an elective (35.4%) or emergency (34.7%) CS. After adjustment, women were more likely to deliver by elective CS than vaginally if they were older (≥30 year) compared to younger mothers (<25 year) (Relative Risk Ratio (RRR) 2.22; 95% Confidence Interval (CI) 1.28, 3.84), and had given birth at a private hospital (RRR 3.64; 95% CI 1.79, 7.38). Compared to those educated to primary or lower secondary level, university educated women were more likely to have undergone an elective (RRR 2.65; 95% CI 1.54, 4.58) or an emergency CS (RRR 3.92; 95% CI 2.27, 6.78) than a vaginal delivery. Similarly, overweight or obese women were more likely than healthy weight women to have undergone an elective (RRR 1.91; 95% CI 1.27, 2.87) or an emergency CS (RRR 2.02; 95% CI 1.35, 3.02) than a vaginal delivery. Specialist education of obstetricians and midwives along with financial incentives paid to private hospitals to encourage natural delivery may help in the reduction of unnecessary CS in Iran. In addition, to increase their childbirth knowledge and self-efficacy, pregnant women need to have the opportunity to attend purposefully designed antenatal childbirth preparation classes where they receive evidence-based information on natural childbirth and alternative methods of pain control, as well as the risks and indications for CS.



在过去的几十年中,无医学指征的剖腹产(CS)的比例已显着增加。这项研究报告了CS的发生率,并确定了选择性和紧急CS的决定因素是一组伊朗妇女的单独妊娠结局。母亲(ñ从设拉子的五家妇产医院招募了700名健康,足月的婴儿。孕产妇的社会人口统计学和生物医学因素与分娩方式之间的关系使用多元,多项logistic回归进行了探讨。大多数母亲接受了选择性(35.4%)或紧急(34.7%)的CS。调整后,与年幼母亲(<25岁)相比,年龄较大(≥30岁)的妇女比阴道更容易通过选择性CS分娩(相对危险度(RRR)为2.22; 95%置信区间(CI)为1.28, 3.84),并在私家医院分娩(RRR 3.64; 95%CI 1.79,7.38)。与初等或初中以上学历的女性相比,大学学历的女性更有可能接受选修(RRR 2.65; 95%CI 1.54,4.58)或紧急CS(RRR 3.92; 95%CI 2.27,6)。78)比阴道分娩。同样,超重或肥胖的女性比经阴道分娩的女性更有可能接受择期(RRR 1.91; 95%CI 1.27,2.87)或紧急CS(RRR 2.02; 95%CI 1.35,3.02)。妇产科医生和助产士的专科教育,以及为鼓励自然分娩而提供给私人医院的经济奖励措施,可能有助于减少伊朗不必要的CS。此外,为了提高分娩知识和自我效能,孕妇需要有机会参加有针对性设计的产前分娩准备课程,在该课程中,她们将获得有关自然分娩,疼痛控制的替代方法以及风险的循证信息。和CS的指示。与健康体重的女性相比,超重或肥胖的女性比阴道分娩的女性更有可能接受择期(RRR 1.91; 95%CI 1.27,2.87)或紧急CS(RRR 2.02; 95%CI 1.35,3.02)。妇产科医生和助产士的专科教育,以及为鼓励自然分娩而提供给私人医院的经济奖励措施,可能有助于减少伊朗不必要的CS。此外,为了提高分娩知识和自我效能,孕妇需要有机会参加有针对性设计的产前分娩准备课程,在该课程中,她们将获得有关自然分娩,疼痛控制的替代方法以及风险的循证信息。和CS的指示。与健康体重的女性相比,超重或肥胖的女性比阴道分娩的女性更有可能接受选修(RRR 1.91; 95%CI 1.27,2.87)或紧急CS(RRR 2.02; 95%CI 1.35,3.02)。妇产科医生和助产士的专科教育,以及为鼓励自然分娩而提供给私人医院的经济奖励措施,可能有助于减少伊朗不必要的CS。此外,为了提高分娩知识和自我效能,孕妇需要有机会参加有针对性设计的产前分娩准备课程,在该课程中,她们将获得有关自然分娩,疼痛控制的替代方法以及风险的循证信息。和CS的指示。02)比阴道分娩。妇产科医生和助产士的专科教育,以及为鼓励自然分娩而提供给私人医院的经济奖励措施,可能有助于减少伊朗不必要的CS。此外,为了提高分娩知识和自我效能,孕妇需要有机会参加有针对性设计的产前分娩准备课程,在该课程中,她们将获得有关自然分娩,疼痛控制的替代方法以及风险的循证信息。和CS的指示。02)比阴道分娩。妇产科医生和助产士的专科教育,以及为鼓励自然分娩而提供给私人医院的经济奖励措施,可能有助于减少伊朗不必要的CS。此外,为了提高分娩知识和自我效能,孕妇需要有机会参加专门设计的产前分娩准备课程,在该课程中,她们将获得有关自然分娩,疼痛控制的替代方法以及风险的循证信息。和CS的指示。