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Study on urban thermal environmental factors in a water network area based on CFD simulation
Environmental Technology & Innovation ( IF 7.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.eti.2020.101086
Ya Yang , Jun Li

Cities on the Jianghan plain with a dense water network have a hot and humid climate and a long period of calm wind in the summer. Urban design guidance of a water network with a thermal environment as the starting point is a design control path that takes into account geographical features, climatic conditions and urban construction under complex constraints. Based on the current block division and development intensity, this study of the thermal environment of Xiantao adopts the methods of multiple linear regression and wind–thermal environment simulation. The results show that regional agglomeration shows the spatial distribution of the urban thermal environment in the water network area. The distribution of hot sensitive areas is closely related to the pattern of clusters. The business district, high-density urban area, basic energy facility area and transportation hub are the thermal environment areas. The experimental results show that residential and industrial land, proportion of water area, average elevation and urban development intensity are the main factors influencing the thermal environment of the water network, and the strengths of their effects are in the order of development intensity > water area proportion > industrial land proportion > residential land proportion > average elevation. The urban thermal environment of the dynamic construction area can be inferred. The improvement of urban wind and thermal environment quality is implemented in the urban space level by guiding the construction intensity, ventilation, greening and water, and paving and shading of the thermal environment control area. The exploration of the thermal environment improvement method in the urban design of a water network region provides the guidance for similar cities seeking to cope with climate change.



江汉平原上水网密集的城市,气候炎热潮湿,夏季长风平静。以热环境为起点的城市供水网络的城市设计指南是一条设计控制路径,它考虑了地理特征,气候条件和复杂约束下的城市建设。根据目前的区块划分和发展强度,对仙桃热环境的研究采用多元线性回归和风热环境模拟的方法。结果表明,区域集聚表明水网区域城市热环境的空间分布。热敏感区域的分布与群集的模式密切相关。商业区高密度市区 基础能源设施区和交通枢纽是热环境区。实验结果表明,居住和工业用地,水面积比,平均海拔和城市发展强度是影响水网热环境的主要因素,其作用强度按发展强度排序。> 水面积比 > 工业用地比例 > 居住用地比例 >平均海拔。可以推断出动态建筑区域的城市热环境。通过指导建筑强度,通风,绿化和水以及热环境控制区的铺面和阴影,在城市空间水平上实现城市风和热环境质量的改善。对水网络区域城市设计中热环境改善方法的探索为类似城市寻求应对气候变化提供了指导。
