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The latest Early Pleistocene amphibians and reptiles from Kaiafas (Greece) and the first record of fossil Ophiomorus (Squamata, Scincidae)
Geobios ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.geobios.2020.06.010
Andrea Villa , Georgios L. Georgalis , Massimo Delfino

Abstract Together with the rest of the Balkan Peninsula, Greece acted as a refuge for thermophilic amphibians and reptiles during the Quaternary Glaciations. In this work we provide new herpetological data on the latest Early Pleistocene locality of Kaiafas, in western Peloponnese. The site yielded one indeterminate salamandrid urodelan (Salamandridae indet.), one tree frog (Hyla gr. H. arborea), one indeterminate testudinid (Testudinidae indet.), at least two lacertid lizards (Lacertidae indet. A and B), one scincid lizard (Ophiomorus sp.), one anguid lizard (Pseudopus sp.), and one indeterminate “colubrine” snake (“Colubrinae” indet.). This assemblage is indicative of a surrounding environment with water bodies, wooded areas, and possibly loose soils with rocks and stones. In spite of being based on few remains, the study of the amphibians and reptiles from Kaiafas resulted in the identification of the first fossil of Ophiomorus known worldwide. Moreover, the two lacertid taxa displayed very peculiar morphological features which are either previously unknown or rare in that clade.


来自 Kaiafas(希腊)的最新早更新世两栖动物和爬行动物以及蛇麻属化石(有鳞、Scincidae)的首次记录

摘要 与巴尔干半岛的其他地区一起,希腊在第四纪冰川期间充当了嗜热两栖动物和爬行动物的避难所。在这项工作中,我们提供了有关伯罗奔尼撒半岛西部 Kaiafas 的最新早更新世地区的新爬虫学数据。该地点出产了一只不确定的蝾螈(Salamandridae indet.)、一只树蛙(Hyla gr. H. arborea)、一只不确定的蝾螈(Testudinidae indet.)、至少两只蝎尾蜥(Lacertidae indet. A 和 B)、一只蝾螈蜥蜴 (Ophiomorus sp.)、一只蜥蜴 (Pseudupus sp.) 和一只不确定的“colubrine”蛇 (“Colubrinae” indet.)。这种组合表明周围环境有水体、树木繁茂的地区以及可能带有岩石和石头的松散土壤。尽管基于很少的遗骸,对来自 Kaiafas 的两栖动物和爬行动物的研究导致鉴定出全世界已知的第一块 Ophiomorus 化石。此外,这两个蛛形纲表现出非常奇特的形态特征,这些特征要么是以前未知的,要么是该分支中罕见的。