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The worst enemy of science.
Cephalalgia ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-03 , DOI: 10.1177/0333102420948521
Arne May 1

Science has many enemies, and editors of this journal always strive to monitor each one of them, starting with strict adherence to the high Cephalalgia standards in all aspects of quality control (1). Working and publishing in science means following rigorous rules. The reason is that evidence; that is data, are only meaningful if they are true (2). But who decides what is true? A problem inherent to science is that we do not know what is true and, even more, probably cannot know it. Science lives on doubts. A good scientist is the first to concede that he/she may be wrong (3), and there is not a single construct of truth that survived the ages. One can look at science as a never-ending battle between good and better ideas; that the current up-to-date idea is tomorrow’s error of yesterday, as, for example, Thomas Kuhn thought about it (4). Alternatively, one understands science as a discourse between schools of thoughts that constantly collect data to finally triumph over all others and get nearest to “the truth.” Either way, it all hinges on data and their interpretation. As a headache scientist once stated, “you can argue with any interpretation, but you cannot argue with data”. Whether it is about a small piece of a puzzle or changing the way we think about a cause or a treatment: It all stands and falls with data and, consequently, with the collection of these data. Furthermore, here is the root for all except the worst enemy of science: The quality of such data.



科学有很多敌人,本刊编辑始终力争监控每一个,从严守高脑痛做起质量控制各个方面的标准(1)。在科学领域工作和发表文章意味着遵循严格的规则。原因是证据;即数据,只有在它们为真时才有意义 (2​​)。但谁来决定什么是真的?科学固有的一个问题是,我们不知道什么是真的,甚至可能无法知道。科学以怀疑为生。一个好的科学家是第一个承认他/她可能是错的(3),并且没有一个真理的结构能够历经岁月的考验。人们可以将科学视为一场好主意和更好主意之间永无止境的战斗;当前最新的想法是明天的昨天的错误,例如,托马斯库恩(Thomas Kuhn)就想到了这一点(4)。或者,人们将科学理解为思想流派之间的对话,这些流派不断收集数据以最终战胜所有其他思想并接近“真相”。无论哪种方式,这都取决于数据及其解释。正如一位头痛科学家曾经说过的那样,“你可以与任何解释争论,但你不能与数据争论”。无论是关于拼图的一小部分,还是改变我们思考原因或治疗的方式:这一切都与数据有关,因此与这些数据的收集有关。此外,除了科学的最大敌人之外,这里还有一切的根源:此类数据的质量。无论是关于拼图的一小部分,还是改变我们思考原因或治疗的方式:这一切都与数据有关,因此与这些数据的收集有关。此外,除了科学的最大敌人之外,这里还有一切的根源:此类数据的质量。无论是关于拼图的一小部分,还是改变我们思考原因或治疗的方式:这一切都与数据有关,因此与这些数据的收集有关。此外,除了科学的最大敌人之外,这里还有一切的根源:此类数据的质量。