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OSL Dating of Earthen Mortars from a Medieval Building in Northwestern Spain: Crypt of Basílica da AscensiÓn (Allariz, Ourense)
Radiocarbon ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-04 , DOI: 10.1017/rdc.2020.70
Jorge Sanjurjo-Sánchez , Rebeca Blanco-Rotea , Marco V García-Quintela , Christopher Ian Burbidge

There are few papers that focus on optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of earthen mortars. These mortars are abundant in historical buildings in northwestern Spain. The Basílica da AscensiónyForno da Santa building is an unfinished church built on a previous structure that was transformed into a crypt (Allariz, Ourense, NW Spain). Previous archaeological studies established a sequence of phases of construction, the first dating back to the Iron Age, with significant changes occurring in the Early and Late Medieval ages. The only datable material in the crypt is earthen mortar. Thus, eight mortar samples (seven joint mortars and one wall infill) were taken, seven of them dated by OSL. The dose rate was assessed, and the expected equivalent doses estimated based on the established archaeological age. Several grain sizes (from fine to coarse) were used in small multigrain aliquots to assess the equivalent doses and ages. No evidence of partial bleaching was observed in most samples and grain sizes. The resulting ages are younger than expected for most samples. This is explained by the fact that joints were repaired with new mortar from the 16th century onwards.


西班牙西北部一座中世纪建筑的土砂浆 OSL 测年:大教堂 da AscensiÓn 的地穴(阿拉里兹,奥伦塞)

很少有论文专注于土砂浆的光激发发光 (OSL) 测年。这些迫击炮在西班牙西北部的历史建筑中很丰富。这升天圣殿是的福尔诺达圣诞老人建筑是一座未完工的教堂,建在以前的结构上,该结构被改造成地下室(阿拉里兹,奥伦塞,西班牙西北部)。以前的考古研究建立了一系列的建造阶段,第一个可以追溯到铁器时代,在中世纪早期和晚期发生了重大变化。地穴中唯一可数据的材料是土砂浆。因此,采集了 8 个砂浆样品(7 个接缝砂浆和 1 个墙体填充物),其中 7 个样品由 OSL 注明日期。评估了剂量率,并根据既定的考古年龄估计了预期的等效剂量。在小的多粒等分试样中使用了几种粒度(从细到粗)来评估等效剂量和年龄。在大多数样品和晶粒尺寸中没有观察到部分漂白的迹象。对于大多数样本,由此产生的年龄比预期的要年轻。这可以通过从 16 世纪开始用新砂浆修复接缝的事实来解释。