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Gendered Sexual Violence: Betrayal Trauma, Dissociation, and PTSD in Diverse College Students
Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma ( IF 1.939 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-04
Jennifer M. Gómez

Young adults’ transition into college includes risk for onset of mental health problems and sexual violence, particularly for women. Compared to men and boys, women and girls across the lifespan are more likely to be sexually abused, with the perpetrators often being someone close to them. High betrayal trauma is linked to varied mental health outcomes. Despite literature depth, many samples are not ethnically diverse, which results in uncertainty about the generalizability of these findings outside of majority White American populations. The purpose of the current study is to assess gender and high betrayal in sexual violence and mental health outcomes among ethnically diverse college students in the U.S. Participants (N = 368) were ethnically diverse college students attending a public university in the Pacific Northwest, who completed online measures assessing sexual violence and mental health outcomes. When controlling for medium betrayal sexual trauma (perpetrator: unclose other), the associations between high betrayal sexual trauma and dissociation and anxiety, respectively, were moderated by the female gender. The findings point to the utility of relational cultural therapy as a feminist framework that can identify sexism as a contributing factor to young women’s increased risk for sexual violence and associated mental health problems.



年轻人进入大学的过渡期包括出现心理健康问题和性暴力的风险,特别是对女性而言。与男孩和男孩相比,一生中的妇女和女孩更容易遭受性虐待,肇事者往往是与他们接近的人。高背叛性创伤与各种心理健康结果有关。尽管文献丰富,但许多样本的种族差异并不大,这导致在大多数美国白人人口中无法确定这些发现的一般性。本研究的目的是评估美国参与者中不同种族的大学生的性暴力和心理健康结局中的性别和高背叛(N= 368)是西北太平洋一所公立大学就读的种族多元化的大学生,他们完成了评估性暴力和心理健康状况的在线评估。在控制中度背叛性性创伤(作案者:未公开对方)时,高背叛性性创伤与解离和焦虑之间的关联分别由女性减轻。研究结果指出,关系文化治疗作为一种女权主义框架具有实用性,可以将性别歧视视为导致年轻妇女性暴力和相关心理健康问题风险增加的一个促成因素。
