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Blood mineral profile of the critically endangered Western Derby eland (Taurotragus derbianus derbianus) in two conservation breeding reserves in Senegal
Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-04 , DOI: 10.1111/jpn.13432
Lucie Stoklasová 1 , Jiří Váhala 2 , Pavla Hejcmanová 1

For many nondomestic species, nutritional requirements and the challenges faced in their current habitats are unknown. This is the case of small semi-captive population of the critically endangered Western Derby eland held in two wildlife reserves (the Bandia and the Fathala) in Senegal. The aim of this study was to determine the mineral profile (Ca, P, Mg, Cu, Fe, Zn, Se, K, S) in blood serum and to identify potential mineral deficiencies. Serum data (11 individuals) were compared to other Tragelaphineae, where it was lower in almost all elements. Considerably low concentrations were recorded for Cu, Fe and Zn. Animals in the Bandia reserve had higher serum levels of Fe and K compared to the Fathala reserve and a higher serum level of S in the Fathala reserve compared to the Bandia reserve. Recorded mineral levels may reflect most likely the limited mineral background in the local environment. The knowledge of adequate nutritional requirements and health status of these animals is relevant for the conservation breeding programme. No other serum mineral reference values exist for Western Derby eland, neither for free-ranging nor captive animals. Therefore, the knowledge of reference intervals for minerals in serum may serve for monitoring of the population's health.


塞内加尔两个保护繁殖保护区中极度濒危的西部德比伊兰 (Taurotragus derbianus derbianus) 的血液矿物特征

对于许多非本地物种,其当前栖息地的营养需求和面临的挑战是未知的。塞内加尔的两个野生动物保护区(班迪亚和法塔拉)中饲养的濒临灭绝的西部德比羚的小型半圈养种群就是这种情况。本研究的目的是确定血清中的矿物质分布(Ca、P、Mg、Cu、Fe、Zn、Se、K、S)并确定潜在的矿物质缺乏症。血清数据(11 个人)与其他 Tragelaphineae 进行了比较,在几乎所有元素中它都较低。记录到的 Cu、Fe 和 Zn 的浓度相当低。与Fathala 保护区相比,Bandia 保护区中的动物具有更高的Fe 和K 血清水平,与Bandia 保护区相比,Fathala 保护区中的S 血清水平更高。记录的矿物含量很可能反映了当地环境中有限的矿物背景。了解这些动物的充足营养需求和健康状况与保护育种计划相关。Western Derby eland 没有其他血清矿物质参考值,无论是自由放养动物还是圈养动物。因此,了解血清中矿物质的参考区间可用于监测人群的健康状况。