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Prevalence of Body Dysmorphic Disorder among patients seeking orthodontic treatment.
Progress in Orthodontics ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-03 , DOI: 10.1186/s40510-020-00322-8
Haritha Pottipalli Sathyanarayana 1 , Sridevi Padmanabhan 1 , R Balakrishnan 2 , Arun B Chitharanjan 3

Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) is a psychiatric disorder with delusions about defects in appearance for which patients seek various treatments. Patients with BDD often seek cosmetic procedures, and orthodontic treatment is one among them. This is the first Indian study to determine the prevalence of BDD in an orthodontic outpatient department. A total of 1184 patients with varying degrees of malocclusion completed the BDD-YBOCS questionnaire, while an experienced orthodontist assessed the severity of malocclusion with a rating scale. Sixty-two patients (5.2%) were screened positive for BDD. Most of the BDD-positive patients were single (p value of 0.02) and had multiple previous consultations for orthodontic treatment (p value of < 0.00**) with a gender predilection toward males (p value of 0.00**), and age was not statistically significant with a p value of 0.3. From our study, the prevalence of BDD among orthodontic patients was 5.2%. The orthodontist should be aware of the high prevalence of BDD among orthodontic patients and identify the expectations of the patient at the time of history taking and refer the patient to a psychiatrist for diagnosis and appropriate management.



身体畸形症(BDD)是一种精神错乱,对患者的外观缺陷产生了幻想,患者需要采取各种治疗措施。BDD患者经常寻求整容,正畸治疗就是其中之一。这是印度第一项确定正畸门诊患者BDD患病率的研究。共有1184名不同程度的错牙合患者完成了BDD-YBOCS调查表,而一位经验丰富的正畸医生以等级量表评估了错牙合的严重程度。筛查BDD阳性的患者62例(5.2%)。大多数BDD阳性患者均为单身(p值为0.02),并且以前接受过多次正畸治疗的咨询(p值<0.00 **),且性别偏向男性(p值0.00 **),年龄无统计学意义,p值为0.3。根据我们的研究,正畸患者中BDD的患病率为5.2%。牙齿矫正医生应意识到正畸患者中BDD的高患病率,并在接受病史时确定患者的期望值,并将患者转给精神病医生进行诊断和适当的处理。