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Arceoaster hintei n. gen. n. sp., a late Silurian homeomorphic asteroid (Echinodermata, Hudsonasteridae)
Journal of Paleontology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-03 , DOI: 10.1017/jpa.2020.57
Daniel B. Blake , James Sprinkle

The late Silurian Arceoaster hintei new genus new species (Asteroidea, Echinodermata) is based on a single complete specimen from the lower Hunton Group of southern Oklahoma. Overall ossicular arrangement enables assignment of the new genus to the Paleozoic stem-family Hudsonasteridae; however, Arceoaster n. gen. is homeomorphic with members of the post-Paleozoic crown-group Goniasteridae. Because Arceoaster n. gen. is a hudsonasterid, and because similar morphologic expressions are not known among described taxa from later in the Paleozoic or the early Mesozoic, similarities between Arceoaster n. gen. and later genera are homoplastic, thereby providing an example of iterative evolution within Asteroidea. The Arceoaster n. gen. specimen is associated with a rich and diverse invertebrate fauna typical of its time interval and environmental setting; nothing suggests an unusual habitat. Selective pressures leading to homoplasy are conjectural, although robust construction among extant asteroids has been associated with a defensive life strategy.UUID: http://zoobank.org/b1d8461d-7e54-43cc-8719-97304ca3fd7a


Arceoaster hintei n. 将军 n. sp.,晚志留纪同形小行星(棘皮动物科,Hudsonasteridae)

晚志留纪始祖鸟新属新种(Asteroidea, Echinodermata)基于来自俄克拉荷马州南部亨顿群的单个完整标本。听骨的整体排列使新属可以归入古生代茎科哈德逊星科;然而,始祖鸟n. 将军 与后古生代冠群螳螂科的成员同胚。因为始祖鸟n. 将军 是 hudsonasterid,并且由于在古生代后期或中生代早期描述的分类群中不知道相似的形态表达,因此它们之间的相似性始祖鸟n. 将军 和后来的属是同质的,从而提供了小行星内迭代进化的一个例子。这始祖鸟n. 将军 标本与丰富多样的无脊椎动物群有关,这些无脊椎动物群具有典型的时间间隔和环境环境;没有任何迹象表明一个不寻常的栖息地。导致同质化的选择性压力是推测性的,尽管现存小行星的稳健结构与防御性生命策略有关。UUID:http://zoobank.org/b1d8461d-7e54-43cc-8719-97304ca3fd7a