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Air Quality Levels and Health Risk Assessment of Particulate Matters in Abuja Municipal Area, Nigeria
Atmosphere ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-03 , DOI: 10.3390/atmos11080817
Nathaniel Mopa Wambebe , Xiaoli Duan

This study focuses on assessing the health risk by particulate matter (PM) inhalation within the Abuja municipal area, Nigeria. Particulate matters (PM2.5 and PM10), HCHO and VOCs were collected by A handheld portable smart air quality detector BR-SMART-126. A hybrid single-particle Lagrangian integrated trajectory (HYSPLIT) model for backward trajectory was applied to tract the air flow (transportation) and potential sources. Health risk was estimated by comparing with the air quality index (AQI) stipulated by the World Health Organization (WHO). The result shows that the daily averaged concentrations of PM2.5 varied from 15.30 µg/m3 to 70.20 µg/m3. The top four most-polluted locations (Locations 10, 14, 17 and 18) of the twenty locations were found to be above the acceptable (25 µg/m3) AQI limit stipulated by WHO, which all fell far under the unhealthy AQI value index level. In general, business/commercial locations had the highest PM2.5 level followed by transport/market, offices/mixed use and residential. The results from the backwards trajectories show that the source of local particles for the four most-polluted locations is long-range air transport originating from the Atlantic Ocean. The results of the health-risk assessment implies that for PM2.5, the AQI varied from 73.2 to 280.8 in this assessment. Based on this, the population of workers within the business location are at health risk based on the relatively poor air quality in these areas—especially location 10 and 17. Based on these findings, it is recommended that the regulatory and enforcement agency needs to develop a more robust monitoring mechanism, regulations and enforcement. Furthermore, there is need for a national drive on renewable energy, clean energy for business/commercial district to help reduce fumes from generators and to form cleaner air initiatives in order to ensure a safe environment to live in as well as reduce particulate matters in the city.



这项研究的重点是通过在尼日利亚阿布贾市辖区内吸入颗粒物(PM)评估健康风险。颗粒物(PM 2.5和PM 10),HCHO和VOC由一台手持式便携式智能空气质量检测仪BR-SMART-126收集。向后轨迹的混合单粒子拉格朗日综合轨迹(HYSPLIT)模型被应用来引导气流(运输)和潜在的来源。通过与世界卫生组织(WHO)规定的空气质量指数(AQI)相比较来估计健康风险。结果表明,PM 2.5的日平均浓度在15.30 µg / m 3至70.20 µg / m 3之间。。发现二十个地点中污染最严重的四个地点(地点10、14、17和18)高于WHO规定的可接受的(25 µg / m 3)AQI限值,所有限值均低于不健康的AQI值索引级别。通常,商业/商业场所的PM 2.5最高,其次是运输/市场,办公室/混合用途和住宅。向后轨迹的结果表明,四个污染最严重的位置的本地粒子来源是源自大西洋的远程航空运输。健康风险评估的结果表明,对于PM 2.5,此评估中的AQI从73.2变为280.8。基于此,由于这些地区的空气质量相对较差,特别是第10和17号地点,营业地点的工人人口面临健康风险。基于这些发现,建议监管和执行机构需要制定更强大的监控机制,法规和执行。此外,需要在全国范围内推动可再生能源,商业/商业区的清洁能源的使用,以帮助减少发电机产生的烟尘并形成更清洁的空气倡议,以确保安全的居住环境并减少室内的颗粒物。市。