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Statistical Analysis of Microphysical and Dynamical Parameters for Clouds and Precipitation over Nauq Tibetan Plateau in Summertime Using Ka-band Cloud Radar
Atmosphere ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-03 , DOI: 10.3390/atmos11080818
Liping Liu , Wenhua Gao

A Chinese Ka-band solid-state transmitter cloud radar (CR) was employed to investigate clouds and precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau (TP) in summer 2014. After performing quality control and merging the output from the three work modes of CR, the Doppler spectral density data were analyzed to estimate the vertical air motion (Vair) and particle fall speed (Vfall) in clouds. The reproduced radar reflectivity was employed to retrieve the ice water content (IWC) and ice effective radius (Re). The cloud type classification algorithm was developed to classify cloud conditions into eight different categories. The vertical and daily variations of reflectivity, Vair, Vfall, IWC, and Re were then analyzed, and as a result, four conclusions were formulated. First, the clouds with reflectivity less than −10 dBZ were mainly located above 7 km, and the precipitable particles were formed below this layer (rain echo top) due to the abundant supercooled water therein. Second, the weak updraft in the range of 2–4 km caused the high occurrence of weak clouds during 04:00–12:00 Beijing local time (BT), and the rain echo top did not exceed 7 km due to the existing downdraft in 4–6 km. After 14:00 BT, convective clouds quickly developed, and the averaged updraft, reflectivity, and the echo top notably increased. Third, particular cloud types commonly exhibited weak reflectivity, low IWC, and less vertical variations, while the others more obvious vertical variations with larger IWC and Re. Last, compared with the radar sensitivity and range from radar, Vair biases that were introduced by the Doppler spectra broadening due to turbulence, wind shear, and radar beam width, could be neglected.