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Interpreting Temporal and Spatial Variation in Spotted-Wing Drosophila (Diptera: Drosophilidae) Trap Captures in Highbush Blueberries
Journal of Economic Entomology ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-02 , DOI: 10.1093/jee/toaa153
Cesar Rodriguez-Saona 1 , Nicolas Firbas 2 , Johnattan Hernández-Cumplido 3 , Robert Holdcraft 1 , Caryn Michel 1 , Sirley Palacios-Castro 4 , Diego B Silva 5

Abstract Integrated pest management (IPM) programs for the spotted-wing drosophila Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) rely on insecticide applications to reduce adult populations and prevent fruit infestation. Although monitoring traps are used for early D. suzukii adult detection to time the start of insecticide applications, it remains unclear whether trap counts can be used to determine the efficacy of these programs and predict the risk of fruit infestation.To address this, a 2-yr study (2016–2017) was conducted in highbush blueberries in New Jersey (USA) to interpret D. suzukii trap count variation in relation to the frequency of insecticide applications and proximity to forest habitats. We also correlated trap counts with fruit infestation and used traps to determine the maximum dispersive distance traveled by D. suzukii adults within blueberry fields by using mark-release-capture studies. Using a trapping network across nine farms, we demonstrated that insecticide applications reduce D. suzukii trap counts, but this varied according to seasonality, and that traps placed closer to forest habitats within farms had higher fly counts than those placed in farm interiors. Moreover, blueberry fields that had zero fruit infestation also had predictably lower trap counts than fields with infested fruit, and the maximum dispersive distance for D. suzukii within blueberry fields was 90 m. In summary, while D. suzukii trap counts in blueberry farms could predict the frequency of insecticide applications and fruit infestation, the predictive power of our trap data was too variable across the blueberry harvest period to make it a reliable tool.



摘要 斑翅果蝇 Drosophila suzukii(双翅目:果蝇科)的综合害虫管理 (IPM) 计划依靠杀虫剂应用来减少成虫数量并防止果实侵染。尽管监测诱捕器用于早期 D. suzukii 成虫检测,以便为杀虫剂应用的开始计时,但仍不清楚诱捕器计数是否可用于确定这些程序的功效并预测水果侵染的风险。为了解决这个问题,一个 2 -yr 研究(2016-2017 年)在新泽西州(美国)的高丛蓝莓中进行,以解释 D. suzukii 诱捕器计数与杀虫剂施用频率和森林栖息地接近程度的变化。我们还将陷阱计数与水果侵扰相关联,并使用陷阱来确定 D 行进的最大分散距离。通过使用标记-释放-捕获研究在蓝莓田中发现铃木成虫。使用跨越九个农场的诱捕网络,我们证明了杀虫剂应用减少了 D. suzukii 诱捕器数量,但这因季节性而异,并且放置在农场内靠近森林栖息地的诱捕器比放置在农场内部的诱捕器具有更高的苍蝇数量。此外,水果侵染为零的蓝莓田的诱捕数量也低于有侵染水果的田地,蓝莓田内 D. suzukii 的最大扩散距离为 90 m。总而言之,虽然蓝莓农场中 D. suzukii 诱捕器数量可以预测杀虫剂应用和水果侵染的频率,但我们的诱捕器数据的预测能力在蓝莓收获期间变化太大,无法使其成为可靠的工具。