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Influence of Water Stress Levels on the Yield and Lycopene Content of Tomato
Water ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-31 , DOI: 10.3390/w12082165
Sándor Takács , Zoltán Pék , Dániel Csányi , Hussein G. Daood , Péter Szuvandzsiev , Gábor Palotás , Lajos Helyes

Good water supply practice provides benefits such as water and energy conservation but also alters the quality of yield. These effects of irrigation on yield quantity and quality are widely researched in the case of many plants. In tomato it can affect the soluble solids content positively together with a slight reduction in yield quantity as confirmed by many studies. There are results in the literature regarding its effect on carotenoid composition and lycopene content as well, but the effect on lycopene isomers has not been revealed yet. In this study, we investigated how different water supply levels affect yield quantity and quality, focusing on lycopene components. A two-year open field irrigation experiment with a center pivot capable of variable rate irrigation was conducted on processing tomato. The water supply levels were 100%, 75%, and 50% of ETc (crop evapotranspiration) until the beginning of the ripening stage, calculated by AquaCrop compared to control without regular irrigation. The results suggested that 75% of ETc supplied till the beginning of ripening, was a balanced water supply level regarding yield quantity, soluble solids content and lycopene concentration and yields, such as higher concentration and ratio to total carotenoids. The evaluation of cis-lycopene concentration and ratio to all-trans did not show clear results in the two years.



良好的供水实践提供了诸如节水和节能等好处,但也会改变产量的质量。在许多植物的情况下,灌溉对产量和质量的这些影响得到了广泛研究。许多研究证实,在番茄中,它可以积极影响可溶性固形物含量,同时略微降低产量。文献中也有关于其对类胡萝卜素组成和番茄红素含量的影响的结果,但对番茄红素异构体的影响尚未揭示。在这项研究中,我们研究了不同的供水水平如何影响产量和质量,重点是番茄红素成分。对加工番茄进行了为期两年的露天灌溉试验,中心枢轴能够进行可变速率灌溉。供水水平分别为 100%、75%、和 50% 的 ETc(作物蒸散量),直到成熟阶段的开始,由 AquaCrop 计算,与没有定期灌溉的对照相比。结果表明,75% 的 ETc 供应到成熟开始,在产量、可溶性固形物含量和番茄红素浓度和产量方面是平衡的供水水平,例如较高的浓度和与总类胡萝卜素的比率。顺式番茄红素浓度和与全反式比例的评估在两年内没有显示出明确的结果。可溶性固形物含量和番茄红素浓度和产量,例如较高的浓度和与总类胡萝卜素的比率。顺式番茄红素浓度和与全反式比例的评估在两年内没有显示出明确的结果。可溶性固形物含量和番茄红素浓度和产量,例如较高的浓度和与总类胡萝卜素的比率。顺式番茄红素浓度和与全反式比例的评估在两年内没有显示出明确的结果。