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Estimating Methane Emissions from a Dairy Farm Using a Computer Program
Atmosphere ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-30 , DOI: 10.3390/atmos11080803
Bożena Nowakowicz-Dębek , Łukasz Wlazło , Agnieszka Szymula , Mateusz Ossowski , Martyna Kasela , Anna Chmielowiec-Korzeniowska , Hanna Bis-Wencel

The aim of our study was to estimate methane (CH4) emissions from a dairy cattle farm using a computer application. Emissions of CH4 in the air were forecast for a representative dairy farm raising Holstein-Friesian cows. The cowshed was equipped with a mechanical forced ventilation system with a centrally located ventilation duct. The volume of emissions from the emitter was established, taking into account meteorological conditions. For one year of operation of the emitter, the average annual emission was 1.301 kg/h. The maximum emission of CH4 was estimated at 3.51 kg/h. These data can be helpful in estimating the environmental burden of a dairy farm and in determining the role of ruminants in global warming.



我们研究的目的是使用计算机应用程序估算奶牛场的甲烷(CH 4)排放。据预测,有代表性的奶牛场饲养的荷斯坦奶牛的空气中CH 4的排放量。牛棚配有机械通风系统,通风系统位于中央。考虑到气象条件,确定了排放源的排放量。排放源运行一年后,年平均排放量为1.301 kg / h。CH 4的最大排放量估计为3.51 kg / h。这些数据有助于估计奶牛场的环境负担,并有助于确定反刍动物在全球变暖中的作用。