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How unusual is the Milky Way’s assembly history?
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-29 , DOI: 10.1093/mnras/staa2202
Tilly A Evans 1 , Azadeh Fattahi 1 , Alis J Deason 1 , Carlos S Frenk 1

In the $\Lambda$CDM model of structure formation galactic haloes build up by accretion of mass and mergers of smaller subunits. The most recent massive merger event experienced by the Milky Way (MW) halo was the accretion of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC; which has a stellar mass of $\sim \; 10^9M_\odot$). Recent analyses of galactic stellar data from the \textit{Gaia} satellite have uncovered an earlier massive accretion event, the Gaia-Enceladus-Sausage (GES), which merged with the MW around 10 Gyr ago. Here, we use the EAGLE cosmological hydrodynamics simulation to study properties of simulated MW-mass haloes constrained to have accretion histories similar to that of the MW, specifically the recent accretion of an "LMC" galaxy and a "GES'' merger, with a quiescent period between the GES merger and the infall of the LMC (the "GES \& LMC" class). We find that $\sim 16$ per cent of MW-mass haloes have an LMC; $\sim 5$ per cent have a GES event and no further merger with an equally massive object since $z=1$; and only $0.65$ per cent belong to the LMC \& GES category. The progenitors of the MWs in this last category are much less massive than average at early times but eventually catch up with the mean. The LMC \& GES class of galaxies naturally end up in the "blue cloud" in the colour-magnitude diagram at $z=0$, tend to have a disc morphology and have a larger than average number of satellite galaxies.



在 $\Lambda$CDM 的结构形成模型中,星系晕是通过质量的吸积和较小亚基的合并而形成的。银河系 (MW) 晕最近发生的大规模合并事件是大麦哲伦星云 (LMC; 它的恒星质量为 $\sim \; 10^9M_\odot$) 的吸积。最近对 \textit{Gaia} 卫星的银河恒星数据的分析发现了一个较早的大规模吸积事件,Gaia-Enceladus-Sausage (GES),它在大约 10 Gyr 之前与 MW 合并。在这里,我们使用 EAGLE 宇宙学流体动力学模拟来研究模拟 MW 质量晕的特性,这些晕被限制为具有类似于 MW 的吸积历史,特别是最近吸积的“LMC”星系和“GES”合并,在 GES 合并和 LMC(“GES \& LMC”类)的入局之间有一段静止期。我们发现 $\sim 16$% 的 MW 质量晕具有 LMC;$\sim 5$% 有一个 GES 事件,并且因为 $z=1$ 没有进一步与同等质量的物体合并;并且只有 0.65 美元属于 LMC \& GES 类别。最后一类中 MW 的祖先在早期比平均质量小得多,但最终赶上了平均值。LMC \& GES 类星系自然会在色星图中 $z=0$ 的“蓝云”中结束,往往具有圆盘形态,并且卫星星系的数量大于平均数量。$\sim 5$% 有一个 GES 事件,并且因为 $z=1$ 没有进一步与同等质量的物体合并;并且只有 0.65 美元属于 LMC \& GES 类别。最后一类中 MW 的祖先在早期比平均质量小得多,但最终赶上了平均值。LMC \& GES 类星系自然会在色星图中 $z=0$ 的“蓝云”中结束,往往具有圆盘形态,并且卫星星系的数量大于平均数量。$\sim 5$% 有一个 GES 事件,并且因为 $z=1$ 没有进一步与同等质量的物体合并;并且只有 0.65 美元属于 LMC \& GES 类别。最后一类中 MW 的祖先在早期比平均质量小得多,但最终赶上了平均值。LMC \& GES 类星系自然会在色星图中 $z=0$ 的“蓝云”中结束,往往具有圆盘形态,并且卫星星系的数量大于平均数量。