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"Multiplexing" cells of the visual cortex and the timing enigma of the binding problem.
European Journal of Neroscience ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-28 , DOI: 10.1111/ejn.14921
Semir Zeki 1

In this opinion essay, I address the perennial binding problem, that is to say of how independently processed visual attributes such as form, colour and motion are brought together to give us a unified and holistic picture of the visual world. A solution to this central issue in neurobiology remains as elusive as ever. No one knows today how it is implemented. The issue is not a new one and, though discussed most commonly in the context of the visual brain, it is not unique to it either. Karl Lashley summarized it well years ago when he wrote that a critical problem for brain studies is to understand how “the specialized areas of the cerebral cortex interact to provide the integration evident in thought and behaviour” (Lashley, 1931).



在这篇评论文章中,我解决了长期存在的约束问题,也就是说,如何将独立处理的视觉属性(如形式、颜色和运动)结合在一起,为我们提供一个统一和整体的视觉世界图景。神经生物学中这一核心问题的解决方案一如既往地难以捉摸。今天没有人知道它是如何实施的。这个问题不是一个新问题,虽然在视觉大脑的背景下最常被讨论,但它也不是它所独有的。卡尔·拉什利(Karl Lashley)在几年前很好地总结了这一点,当时他写道,大脑研究的一个关键问题是了解“大脑皮层的特殊区域如何相互作用以提供思想和行为的明显整合”(拉什利,1931 年)。