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Quantitative analyses of cirques on the Faroe Islands: evidence for time transgressive glacier occupation
Boreas ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-26 , DOI: 10.1111/bor.12458
Keyleigh N. Wallick 1 , Sarah M. Principato 1

This study presents the first analysis of ice‐free cirques on the Faroe Islands using a Geographical Information System (GIS) and the Automated Cirque Metric Extraction (ACME) tool. The length, width, area, circularity, mean aspect, mean slope, and elevation range, minimum, and maximum were calculated using ACME. Cirque distance to coastline was measured using ArcGIS. A total of 116 cirques were identified. Mean cirque length is 950 m and mean cirque width is 890 m. Average cirque area is 0.8 km2 and mean elevation is 386 m a.s.l. The modal orientation of the aspect of cirques is north‐northeast, with a vector mean of 7° and mean resultant length of 0.09. Aspect data have large dispersion, which shows evidence of cloudy ablation seasons in the past. The dispersion in aspect may also be related to the time transgressive nature of glacier occupation in these cirques. Past equilibrium‐line altitudes (ELAs) of cirque glaciers reconstructed with the minimum point method resulted in a mean palaeo‐ELA of 213 m a.s.l. Positive, linear relationships are observed between palaeo‐ELA and cirque distance to coastline. There are at least two possible interpretations of this relationship: (i) that the cirque formation is dependent on pre‐existing topography with cirques forming at the head of valleys, which occurs at higher elevations further inland, and (ii) that this relationship demonstrates the importance of access to moisture for glacier survival. A combination of both interpretations is also possible. Positive linear relationships are also observed between longitude and palaeo‐ELA indicative of palaeo‐precipitation patterns along an east–west gradient. Cirques on the Faroe Islands are smaller in length and width and present at lower elevations compared to cirques located in other regions of the world. The timing of glacial occupation in these cirques is not known, and the landforms likely formed over multiple glaciations.



这项研究是首次使用地理信息系统(GIS)和自动太阳剧种公制提取(ACME)工具对法罗群岛上的无冰太阳剧团进行了分析。使用ACME计算长度,宽度,面积,圆度,平均纵横比,平均斜率和高程范围,最小和最大。到海岸线的Cirque距离是使用ArcGIS测量的。总共确定了116个马戏团。太阳马戏团的平均长度为950 m,太阳马戏团的平均宽度为890 m。马戏团平均面积为0.8 km 2平均高度为386 m asl。马戏团方面的模态取向为东北偏北,矢量平均为7°,平均合成长度为0.09。纵横比数据具有较大的离散度,这表明过去有消融季节的证据。方面的分散也可能与这些马戏团中冰川占领的时变性质有关。用最小点法重建的圆形冰河冰川过去的平衡线高度(ELA)导致平均古埃及ELA为213 m asl。对此关系至少有两种可能的解释:(i)太阳剧团的形成取决于先前存在的地形,而太阳剧团则形成在山谷的顶部,并发生在内陆更高的海拔,(ii)这种关系证明了获取水分对于冰川生存的重要性。两种解释的结合也是可能的。在经度和古埃拉峰之间也观察到正线性关系,指示沿东西向梯度的古降水模式。与世界其他地区的马戏相比,法罗群岛的马戏在长度和宽度上较小,并且海拔较低。这些回旋处的冰川占领时间尚不清楚,地貌可能在多个冰川上形成。在经度和古埃拉之间也观察到正线性关系,指示东西向梯度上的古降水模式。与世界其他地区的马戏相比,法罗群岛的马戏在长度和宽度上较小,并且海拔较低。这些回旋处的冰川占领时间未知,地貌可能在多个冰川上形成。在经度和古埃拉之间也观察到正线性关系,指示东西向梯度上的古降水模式。与世界其他地区的马戏相比,法罗群岛的马戏在长度和宽度上较小,并且海拔较低。这些回旋处的冰川占领时间未知,地貌可能在多个冰川上形成。