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A Case of Tinea faciei Due to Nannizzia gypsea: Inflammatory Eruption on the Medial Angle of the Eyelid.
Mycopathologia ( IF 5.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-27 , DOI: 10.1007/s11046-020-00474-5
Harunari Shimoyama 1, 2 , Ayaka Yo 1 , Koichi Makimura 2 , Yoshihiro Sei 1 , Yoshihiro Kuwano 1

Nannizzia gypsea is a geophilic dermatophyte, previously known as Microsporum gypseum before renaming under the new taxonomy. This organism is distributed all over the world and is considered to be involved in keratin degradation in the soil. Generally, human infection involves direct contact with fertile soil. Tinea caused by geophilic dermatophytes is much rarer than that caused by anthropophilic dermatophytes. According to the latest survey in Japan, dermatophytosis due to N. gypsea accounted for only 0.4% of cases. Clinical presentations vary and may mimic other inflammatory dermatitis, leading to incorrect diagnosis and delayed treatment. According to that past report, distal parts of the upper and lower extremities were more commonly affected, followed by the trunk, face and scalp, and rarely the nail plate. A 38-year-old woman presented with an approximately 3-week history of an itchy, solitary erythematous lesion on the left medial angle of the eyelid. Direct microscopic examination of scales revealed fungal elements, and the causative agents was identified as N. gypsea by morphological and molecular biological diagnoses. The eruption improved with systemic itraconazole treatment at 100 mg/day for 8 weeks. No recurrence has been seen for a year. However, she had no history of contact with any infectious source. Herein, we report a case of tinea faciei due to N. gypsea with an uncommon site and route of infection.


Nannizzia gypsea 一例面癣:眼睑内侧角炎性皮疹。

Nannizzia gypsea是一种嗜地皮癣菌,在根据新分类法重新命名之前,以前称为Microsporum gypseum 。这种生物分布在世界各地,被认为与土壤中的角蛋白降解有关。通常,人类感染涉及直接接触肥沃的土壤。由嗜土性皮肤癣菌引起的癣比由嗜人性皮肤癣菌引起的癣少得多。根据日本最新调查,由金银花引起的皮肤癣菌病仅占病例的 0.4%。临床表现各不相同,可能与其他炎症性皮炎相似,导致诊断错误和治疗延误。根据过去的报告,上肢和下肢的远端更常受到影响,其次是躯干、面部和头皮,很少发生甲板。一名 38 岁女性因左眼睑内侧角发痒的孤立性红斑病变约 3 周就诊。鳞片的直接显微镜检查显示真菌成分,病原体被确定为N. gypsea通过形态学和分子生物学诊断。以 100 毫克/天的剂量全身使用伊曲康唑治疗 8 周后,皮疹得到改善。一年多未见复发。但是,她没有与任何传染源接触的历史。在此,我们报告了一例由N. gypsea引起的面癣病例,该病例具有不常见的感染部位和感染途径。
