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Spaces of market politics: Retailscapes and modernist planning imaginaries in African cities
Applied Geography ( IF 4.732 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2020.102265
Emmanuel Frimpong Boamah 1 , Clifford Amoako 2 , Barbara Kuffuor Asenso 3

Abstract This article interrogates the spatial, economic, and cultural underpinnings of traditional retailscapes in sub-Saharan Africa to understand how they intersect with contemporary urban planning policies. It does so by deploying a multi-step investigation of the issues from four perspectives: transportation corridors, spheres of influence, centrality, and observed spatial patterns – each leading us to connections between retail spaces and planning of African cities. Our analyses of 22 traditional satellite markets in Kumasi are distilled into four key findings. First, these markets emerge along, and at the intersection of, intra- and inter-urban road networks as a means of granting local access to indigenous goods and services. Second, the spatial distribution and spheres of influence of the markets partly support Christaller's hypothesis regarding the willingness of people to travel far distances to access higher-order goods and services. The hypothesis fails, however, to recognize that some traditional markets can still have high spheres of influence without providing higher-order goods and services because they constitute vital nodes in the rural-urban food networks. Third, we find a spatial clustering of these markets, suggesting agglomerative tendencies among the markets. Finally, we argue that the observed spatio-social patterns of Kumasi's retailscape only make sense if they are situated within the city's modernist urban planning imaginaries. Specifically, the city's retailscape embodies ongoing placemaking strategies, which involve the expropriation of urban spaces from traders to modernize the cityscape.



摘要 本文探讨了撒哈拉以南非洲传统零售景观的空间、经济和文化基础,以了解它们如何与当代城市规划政策相交。它通过从四个角度对问题进行多步骤调查来做到这一点:交通走廊、影响范围、中心性和观察到的空间模式——每一个都引导我们了解零售空间与非洲城市规划之间的联系。我们对库马西 22 个传统卫星市场的分析被提炼为四个主要发现。首先,这些市场出现在城市内部和城市间道路网络的交汇处,作为让当地获得本地商品和服务的一种手段。其次,市场的空间分布和影响范围部分支持克里斯塔勒 关于人们愿意长途跋涉以获取更高等级的商品和服务的假设。然而,该假设未能认识到一些传统市场在不提供高级商品和服务的情况下仍然可以拥有较高的影响力,因为它们构成了城乡食品网络的重要节点。第三,我们发现这些市场的空间聚集,表明市场之间存在集聚趋势。最后,我们认为,观察到的库马西零售景观的空间社会模式只有在它们位于城市的现代主义城市规划想象中时才有意义。具体而言,该城市的零售景观体现了持续的场所营造策略,其中涉及从商人那里征用城市空间以实现城市景观的现代化。认识到一些传统市场在不提供高级商品和服务的情况下仍然可以具有较高的影响力,因为它们构成了城乡食品网络的重要节点。第三,我们发现这些市场的空间聚集,表明市场之间存在集聚趋势。最后,我们认为,观察到的库马西零售景观的空间社会模式只有在它们位于城市的现代主义城市规划想象中时才有意义。具体而言,该城市的零售景观体现了持续的场所营造策略,其中涉及从商人那里征用城市空间以实现城市景观的现代化。认识到一些传统市场在不提供高级商品和服务的情况下仍然可以具有较高的影响力,因为它们构成了城乡食品网络的重要节点。第三,我们发现这些市场的空间聚集,表明市场之间存在集聚趋势。最后,我们认为,观察到的库马西零售景观的空间社会模式只有在它们位于城市的现代主义城市规划想象中时才有意义。具体而言,该城市的零售景观体现了持续的场所营造策略,其中涉及从商人那里征用城市空间以实现城市景观的现代化。我们发现这些市场的空间聚集,表明市场之间存在集聚趋势。最后,我们认为,观察到的库马西零售景观的空间社会模式只有在它们位于城市的现代主义城市规划想象中时才有意义。具体而言,该城市的零售景观体现了持续的场所营造策略,其中包括从商人手中征用城市空间以实现城市景观的现代化。我们发现这些市场的空间聚集,表明市场之间存在集聚趋势。最后,我们认为,观察到的库马西零售景观的空间社会模式只有在它们位于城市的现代主义城市规划想象中时才有意义。具体而言,该城市的零售景观体现了持续的场所营造策略,其中涉及从商人那里征用城市空间以实现城市景观的现代化。