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Eoanthidium nasicum (Apoidea: Anthidiini) in the Middle East: from microevolution towards speciation?
Oriental Insects ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-24 , DOI: 10.1080/00305316.2019.1693438
Max Kasparek 1


Although the anthidiine bee Eoanthidium nasicum is little differentiated structurally, it was found that it is clustered in three units: Anatolia, the Levant and Iran. A Discriminant Function Analysis carried out on 11 morphometric parameters enabled the members of these geographically defined populations to be distinguished: 85.4% of all males and 100.0% of all females could be classified correctly, and together with some features of the colour pattern, it was possible to attribute 100% of all specimens correctly. The abrupt change in the characters between the Anatolian and the Levantine populations without signs of interbreeding and in the absence of strong environmental barriers favouring disruptive selection suggests a secondary contact zone, where mixing is prevented by intrinsic isolating mechanisms. These two populations are given species status: E. nasiculum Pasteels, 1969 stat. n. in Anatolia and E. nasicum in the Levant. On the other side, the divergence between the Anatolian and the Iranian populations seems to be driven by landscape features which have resulted in a less abrupt drifting apart. These two populations are thought still to belong to the same species and are given subspecies status (E. nasiculum nasiculum Pasteels, 1969 and E. nasiculum orientale ssp. n.).



中东的鼻虫(Eoanthidium nasicum,Apoidea:Anthidiini):从微观进化到物种形成?


尽管蒽醌蜂Eoanthidium nasicum在结构上几乎没有区别,发现它分为三个单位:安纳托利亚,黎凡特和伊朗。通过对11个形态计量参数进行的判别函数分析,可以区分这些地理上界定的种群的成员:可以正确分类所有男性中的85.4%和所有女性中100.0%,并结合颜色图案的某些特征可以正确归因于所有标本的100%。安那托利亚人和黎凡特人之间特征的突然变化,没有杂交的迹象,也没有有利于破坏性选择的强大环境障碍,这表明存在一个二级接触区,通过固有的隔离机制可以防止混合。这两个种群的物种状况为:E. nasiculum粉彩,1969年统计。n。在安纳托利亚和E. nasicum在地中海东部。另一方面,安纳托利亚人和伊朗人之间的差异似乎是由景观特征驱动的,景观特征导致了不那么突然的漂移。这两个群体被认为仍属于同一物种,并给予亚种状态(E. nasiculum nasiculum Pasteels,1969年和E. nasiculum东方 亚种。1.)。

