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Kholumolumo ellenbergerorum, gen. et sp. nov., a new early sauropodomorph from the lower Elliot Formation (Upper Triassic) of Maphutseng, Lesotho
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-17 , DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2019.1732996
Claire Peyre de Fabrègues 1 , Ronan Allain 1

A dozen non-sauropodan sauropodomorph genera are currently known from southern Africa. The vast majority of the specimens were unearthed in South Africa, but a few were found in Lesotho. We provide here the first complete anatomical description of a historical specimen from Lesotho: ‘the Maphutseng dinosaur.’ The first remains of this animal were uncovered in 1955 and cited in a scientific publication in 1956. Since then, the Maphutseng assemblage has been mentioned in several papers and named on two occasions but never formally published. The bone bed has delivered a huge amount of material from all the regions of the skeleton, of which a small part is described herein. Based on these skeletal elements, and given the unique anatomy of this early sauropodomorph, the new species Kholumolumo ellenbergerorum, gen. et sp. nov., is erected. The remains come from a large number of individuals, making the species the most complete to date from the lower Elliot Formation. Considering all of the material from the Upper Triassic of Gondwana, it is also one of the longest genera known, with adults estimated at up to 9 m long. Despite the large size of the new taxon, it is clearly bipedal and nested deeply among other non-sauropodan sauropodomorphs, suggesting that it is not linked to the origin of Sauropoda.


Kellumolumo ellenbergerorum,gen。等。十一月,莱索托Maphutseng的下部Elliot组(上三叠纪)新的sauropodomorph

目前从南部非洲已知十二种非蜥脚类蜥脚类目属。南非出土了绝大多数标本,但在莱索托发现了一些标本。我们在此提供莱索托历史标本的第一个完整的解剖学描述:“ Maphutseng恐龙”。该动物的第一批遗体于1955年被发现,并于1956年在科学出版物中被引用。从那时起,在几篇论文中提到了Maphutseng组合,并两次命名,但从未正式发表过。骨床已从骨骼的所有区域输送了大量的材料,此处仅描述其中的一小部分。基于这些骨骼元素,并鉴于这种早期蜥脚类目动物的独特解剖结构,新物种Kholumolumo ellenbergerorum,gen。等。十一月。这些遗骸来自大量个体,这使得该物种是至今为止最完整的下部艾略特组。考虑到冈瓦纳上三叠统的所有物质,它也是已知最长的属之一,成虫估计长达9 m。尽管新分类单元的大小很大,但它显然是双足的,并且深深地嵌套在其他非蜥脚类蜥脚类目动物中,这表明它与蜥脚目科的起源无关。
