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Vocal and visual communication in territorial rock pipit males (Anthus petrosus), focused on playback experiments. A study of the information content of displays
Bioacoustics ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-03 , DOI: 10.1080/09524622.2019.1621775
Thorsten Sven Elfström 1

ABSTRACT Signals of aggressive intent are central in bird communication and my aim is to examine the use of vocal and visual displays during simulated and real territory intrusions in rock pipit males. Conspecific intruders are worth different energy investment because they constitute different threats. If owners are able to discriminate between various categories, they could act accordingly. I focused on calls as playback stimuli to judge their information content. I showed that various calls convey different signals to defending males. To identify vocal and visual displays elicited in real conflicts, I observed close encounters between neighbours in border zones and between owners and strangers within territories, respectively. A much discussed issue is whether aggressive displays predict approach, attack or even physical fight. My conclusion is that no single vocal component is a reliable signal leading to physical fights, but one particular, directed visual display is frequently seen before a clash and is then combined with intense vocalizations. The non-directed posture, with calls, is particularly common in the parallel walk display with neighbours. The vocalizations seem to express both aggressive intent, the directed calls, and low-frequency, defensive threat, the non-directed calls, while the males determine how to settle serious conflicts.


领地岩鹬雄性 (Anthus petrosus) 的声音和视觉交流,侧重于回放实验。显示器信息内容研究

摘要 攻击意图的信号是鸟类交流的核心,我的目标是检查在模拟和真实领土侵入岩鹬雄性期间声音和视觉显示的使用。同种入侵者值得不同的能源投资,因为它们构成不同的威胁。如果业主能够区分不同的类别,他们可以采取相应的行动。我将通话作为播放刺激来判断其信息内容。我展示了各种呼叫向防御雄性传达了不同的信号。为了识别真实冲突中引发的声音和视觉表现,我分别观察了边境地区的邻居之间以及领土内的所有者和陌生人之间的近距离接触。一个被广泛讨论的问题是,攻击性展示是否能预测接近、攻击甚至是肢体冲突。我的结论是,没有任何单一的声音成分是导致身体打架的可靠信号,但在冲突之前经常会看到一种特定的、定向的视觉显示,然后与激烈的发声相结合。在与邻居的平行行走显示中,带有呼叫的非定向姿势尤其常见。发声似乎既表达了攻击意图(定向呼叫),又表达了低频、防御性威胁(非定向呼叫),而雄性则决定如何解决严重的冲突。