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Identifying food provenience using Sr/Ca ratio in human enamel
Archaeometry ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-13 , DOI: 10.1111/arcm.12577
Arkadiusz Sołtysiak 1

The strontium (Sr) concentration in bioapatite of human bone and teeth reflects the Sr concentration in food that is differentiated by two major factors: an abundance of Sr in local soils and the biopurification effect along the trophic levels. Eastern Syria is an area with a relatively high concentration of Sr within the Euphrates valley and a low concentration of Sr beyond the valley. For this reason, the strontium/calcium (Sr/Ca) ratio in human enamel retrieved from skeletons buried in cemeteries within the Euphrates valley may be used as a proxy for food provenience in a local population. A sample of human teeth (N = 72) from Tell Ashara and Tell Masaikh was divided into seven temporal subsets covering periods between c.2200 bce and the early 20th century ce. A significant difference in Sr/Ca values between temporal subsets is observed. The Sr/Ca values in later subsets are negatively correlated with δ13C values, indicating the wider exploitation of steppe areas outside the valley with more wild C4 grasses and a low Sr concentration. For periods with lower Sr/Ca values (c.2200–1900 bce and 19th–20th centuries ce) there is additional textual and isotopic evidence for food transportation from outside the river valley, supporting the interpretation of Sr/Ca values as a proxy for food provenience in this specific area.


使用人类牙釉质中的Sr / Ca比值确定食品来源

人类骨骼和牙齿的生物磷灰石中的锶(Sr)浓度反映了食物中的Sr浓度,其差异主要有两个因素:局部土壤中的Sr含量丰富,以及沿营养级的生物净化作用。叙利亚东部是幼发拉底河谷中Sr浓度较高而河谷以外Sr浓度较低的区域。因此,从幼发拉底河谷内公墓掩埋的骨骼中提取的人类牙釉质中的锶/钙(Sr / Ca)比可以用作当地人口食物来源的替代物。人类牙齿的样品(ñ 从泰尔Ashara = 72)和给Masaikh被分成七个子集颞覆盖之间周期Ç 0.2200  BCE而早在20世纪CE。在时间子集之间观察到Sr / Ca值存在显着差异。在以后的子集的SR /钙值负相关δ 13个C值,表示更广泛开发草原区的山谷外侧更野生C4草和低的Sr浓度。对于较低的SR / CA值周期(ç .2200-1900  BCE和19到20世纪CE)有额外的文本,并从流域外的食品运输同位素的证据,支持SR / CA值的解释,作为代理该特定区域的食物来源。