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Report of prenatal maternal demoralization and material hardship and infant rhinorrhea and watery eyes.
Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology ( IF 5.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.anai.2020.07.016
Laura A Conrad 1 , Virginia A Rauh 2 , Lori A Hoepner 3 , Luis M Acosta 4 , Frederica P Perera 4 , Andrew G Rundle 5 , Emilio Arteaga-Solis 6 , Rachel L Miller 7 , Matthew S Perzanowski 4


Previously, we found that reported infant rhinorrhea and watery eyes without a cold (RWWC) predicted school age exercise-induced wheezing, emergency department visits, and respiratory-related hospitalizations for asthma. These findings appeared independent of infant wheezing and allergy. Overall, we theorize that prenatal material hardship and psychosocial distress can induce infant dysregulation in the autonomic nervous system leading to infant RWWC and school age exercise-induced wheezing.


To test the hypotheses that indicators of prenatal stress and measures of maternal demoralization, which can alter infant autonomic nervous system responses, would predict infant RWWC.


In a prospective birth cohort of urban children (n = 578), pregnant women were queried in the third trimester about material hardship and maternal demoralization using validated instruments. Child RWWC was queried every 3 months in infancy.


Notably, 44% of the mothers reported not being able to afford at least one of the basic needs of daily living during pregnancy, and children of those mothers were more likely to have infant RWWC (P < .001). The children had an increased risk of RWWC with increasing maternal demoralization during pregnancy (P < .001). In models controlling for sex, race and ethnicity, maternal asthma, maternal allergy, smoker in the home (pre- or postnatal), prenatal pesticide exposure, and older siblings, RWWC was predicted by mother's report of material hardship (relative risk, 1.22; P = .021) and maternal demoralization (relative risk, 1.14; P = .030).


These results suggest an association between material hardship and psychological distress during pregnancy and RWWC in infancy, further supporting a link between infant autonomic dysregulation and RWWC.




以前,我们发现报告的婴儿流鼻涕和没有感冒的水汪汪的眼睛 (RWWC) 可以预测学龄期运动引起的喘息、急诊就诊和与呼吸系统相关的哮喘住院。这些发现似乎独立于婴儿喘息和过敏。总的来说,我们的理论是,产前物质困难和社会心理压力会导致婴儿自主神经系统失调,导致婴儿 RWWC 和学龄运动诱发的喘息。


检验产前压力指标和产妇士气低落的措施(可以改变婴儿自主神经系统反应)将预测婴儿 RWWC 的假设。


在城市儿童的前瞻性出生队列(n = 578)中,使用经过验证的工具在孕晚期询问孕妇关于物质困难和产妇士气低落的问题。在婴儿期每 3 个月询问一次儿童 RWWC。


值得注意的是,44% 的母亲报告说在怀孕期间无法负担至少一项日常生活的基本需求,这些母亲的孩子更有可能患有婴儿 RWWC ( P < .001)。随着孕期母体士气低落,儿童患 RWWC 的风险增加 ( P < .001)。在控制性别、种族和民族、母亲哮喘、母亲过敏、家庭吸烟者(产前或产后)、产前农药暴露和年长兄弟姐妹的模型中,RWWC 由母亲的物质困难报告预测(相对风险,1.22;P  = .021)和母体士气低落(相对风险,1.14;P  = .030)。


这些结果表明怀孕期间的物质困难和心理困扰与婴儿期的 RWWC 之间存在关联,进一步支持婴儿自主神经失调和 RWWC 之间的联系。
