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Evaluation of Superficial and Internal Clogging of Geotextiles
International Journal of Civil Engineering ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s40999-020-00524-5
Jorge Luis Vieira da Silva , Paulo César Lodi

The present work evaluated the clogging of nonwoven (two made of polyester, PET, and one made of polypropylene, PP) and woven (PP) geotextiles submitted to leachate flow from a municipal landfill. Long-term permeability tests were carried out by measuring the hydraulic conductivity over time. Then, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was performed to evaluate the closure of the geotextile pores and bacterial growth. The main results obtained show a reduction in the hydraulic conductivity of the geotextiles after 35 days. The SEM results of the nonwoven geotextiles showed that the pores inside the geotextiles remained open, while a large part of the solid material was deposited on the surface of the geotextiles. Thus, the results support the idea that the process known as blinding, not clogging, occurred. In addition, SEM allowed us to visualize and confirm pore closure, showing how the formation of microbial colonies occurs and that these occur in a greater proportion in woven geotextiles since its flat surface helps the process, which was observed on a smaller scale in the other geotextiles. In this sense, SEM was essential in verifying the clogging process of geotextiles.



目前的工作评估了无纺布(两种由聚酯、PET 制成,一种由聚丙烯、PP 制成)和机织 (PP) 土工布在市政垃圾填埋场渗滤液中的堵塞情况。通过测量随时间推移的水力传导率来进行长期渗透率测试。然后,进行扫描电子显微镜(SEM)以评估土工布孔隙的闭合和细菌生长。获得的主要结果表明,土工布的水力传导率在 35 天后降低。非织造土工布的扫描电镜结果表明,土工布内部的孔隙保持开放,而大部分固体物质沉积在土工布表面。因此,结果支持了被称为致盲而不是堵塞的过程发生的想法。此外,SEM 使我们能够可视化和确认孔隙闭合,显示微生物菌落的形成是如何发生的,并且这些微生物菌落在编织土工布中以更大的比例发生,因为其平坦的表面有助于这一过程,而在其他土工布中观察到的规模较小。从这个意义上说,扫描电镜对于验证土工布的堵塞过程至关重要。