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Political economy challenges for climate smart agriculture in Africa
Agriculture and Human Values ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-10 , DOI: 10.1007/s10460-020-10126-5
Helena Shilomboleni

Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) has gained prominence in global agriculture and climate agendas for its perceived “triple win” contributions to food productivity, adaptation, and mitigation to climate change. This paper highlights three important challenges for CSA activities in Africa which provide insights into contested debates surrounding CSA’s ability to respond holistically to the complex realities facing resource-constrained farmers in the global South. These are (1) prevailing neoliberal market policies that emphasize private-sector driven agricultural development in the face of rising input costs and falling commodity prices; (2) an expansion in diversified livelihood strategies amongst smallholder households as a response to the highly unpredictable biophysical environment and economic climate under which they live; and (3) a growing competition for land and other productive resources. A deeper dive into political economy processes surrounding these three issues aims to bring critical attention to factors relevant to African agricultural development that highly impact farm-level practices and carry important implications for rural livelihood outcomes.



气候智能型农业 (CSA) 因其对粮食生产力、适应和减缓气候变化的“三赢”贡献而在全球农业和气候议程中享有盛誉。本文重点介绍了非洲 CSA 活动的三个重要挑战,这些挑战为围绕 CSA 能否全面应对全球南方资源受限农民面临的复杂现实的能力展开的有争议的辩论提供了见解。它们是 (1) 在投入成本上升和商品价格下降的情况下,强调私营部门驱动的农业发展的现行新自由主义市场政策;(2) 在小农家庭中扩大多样化的生计战略,以应对他们生活的高度不可预测的生物物理环境和经济气候;(3) 对土地和其他生产资源的竞争日益激烈。深入探讨围绕这三个问题的政治经济进程,旨在引起对与非洲农业发展相关的因素的高度关注,这些因素对农场层面的做法产生重大影响,并对农村生计结果产生重要影响。