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Modulation of cutaneous reflexes during sidestepping in adult humans.
Experimental Brain Research ( IF 2 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-24 , DOI: 10.1007/s00221-020-05877-w
Leif P Madsen 1 , Koichi Kitano 1 , David M Koceja 1 , E Paul Zehr 2 , Carrie L Docherty 1

A common neural control mechanism coordinates various types of rhythmic locomotion performed in the sagittal plane, but it is unclear whether frontal plane movements show similar neural patterning in adult humans. The purpose of this study was to compare cutaneous reflex modulation patterns evoked during sagittal and frontal plane rhythmic movements. Eight healthy, neurologically intact adults (three males, five females) walked and sidestepped on a treadmill at approximately 1 Hz. The sural nerve of the dominant (and lead) limb was stimulated randomly every 3–7 steps at eight phases of each gait cycle. Ipsilateral electromyographic recordings from four lower leg muscles and kinematic data from the ankle were collected continuously throughout both tasks. Data from unstimulated gait cycles were used as control trials to calculate middle-latency reflex responses (80–120 ms) and kinematic changes (140–220 ms) following electrical stimulation. Results show that the cutaneous reflex modulation patterns were similar across both tasks despite significant differences in background EMG activity. However, increased reflex amplitudes were observed during the late swing and early stance phases of sidestepping, which directly altered ankle kinematics. These results suggest that the neural control mechanisms responsible for coordinating sagittal locomotion are flexibly modified to coordinate frontal plane activities even with very different foot landing mechanics.



一种常见的神经控制机制协调矢状面中进行的各种类型的节律性运动,但尚不清楚额面运动是否在成年人中表现出类似的神经模式。本研究的目的是比较矢状面和额叶节律运动期间诱发的皮肤反射调制模式。八名健康、神经系统完好的成年人(三名男性,五名女性)在跑步机上以大约 1 Hz 的速度行走和侧步。在每个步态周期的八个阶段,每 3-7 步随机刺激主导(和引导)肢体的腓肠神经。在这两项任务中,连续收集来自四个小腿肌肉的同侧肌电图记录和来自脚踝的运动学数据。来自未刺激步态周期的数据被用作对照试验,以计算电刺激后的中潜伏反射反应(80-120毫秒)和运动学变化(140-220毫秒)。结果表明,尽管背景肌电图活动存在显着差异,但两项任务的皮肤反射调制模式相似。然而,在侧步的后期摆动和早期站立阶段观察到反射幅度增加,这直接改变了脚踝的运动学。这些结果表明,负责协调矢状运动的神经控制机制可以被灵活地修改,以协调额面活动,即使脚着地机制非常不同。
