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Exploring the impact of blockchain on the performance of agri-food supply chains
Food Control ( IF 6 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2020.107495
Stefanella Stranieri , Federica Riccardi , Miranda P.M. Meuwissen , Claudio Soregaroli

Abstract The implementation of the blockchain technology in the agri-food supply chains is in its introductory phase. Lead companies, often retailers, introduce this technology for specific objectives, such as assuring traceability or improving sales and reputation. At the same time, the technology could impact much more broadly the performances of food chains. Little is known about this impact as the evidence provided in the literature is scarce and mostly focused on specific indicators. This paper addresses this gap assessing the impact of the blockchain technology on food supply chains from an explorative perspective. An integrated conceptual framework is proposed which includes a broad set of performance dimensions discussed in the literature: efficiency, flexibility, responsiveness, food quality, and transparency of supply chains. These dimensions are assessed using a case study, consisting of three supply chains where a large European retailer has promoted the blockchain adoption. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews with key managers at different stages of the three supply chains and were systematically analysed through a thematic analysis. Results reveal that blockchain technology impacts positively on the profit and/or return on investment of supply chains, it leads to an increase of extrinsic food quality attributes and it fosters a better information management along the food chains due to an improved information accessibility, availability and sharing. The current analysis also suggests an improved management of behavioural uncertainty among the agents of the supply chains and an increase of firm's knowledge as well as supply chain management competencies. While the study remains of explorative nature, it offers a basis for the selection of theoretical approaches and the formulation of new hypotheses for future blockchain studies.



摘要 区块链技术在农业食品供应链中的实施正处于引入阶段。领先公司(通常是零售商)为特定目标引入该技术,例如确保可追溯性或提高销售和声誉。同时,该技术可以更广泛地影响食物链的表现。由于文献中提供的证据很少并且主要集中在特定指标上,因此对这种影响知之甚少。本文解决了这一差距,从探索性的角度评估了区块链技术对食品供应链的影响。提出了一个综合概念框架,其中包括文献中讨论的一系列广泛的绩效维度:效率、灵活性、响应性、食品质量和供应链的透明度。这些维度是使用案例研究进行评估的,案例研究由三个供应链组成,一家大型欧洲零售商在这些供应链中促进了区块链的采用。通过对三个供应链不同阶段的主要管理人员进行半结构化访谈收集数据,并通过主题分析进行系统分析。结果表明,区块链技术对供应链的利润和/或投资回报产生积极影响,它导致外在食品质量属性的增加,并且由于信息可访问性、可用性和可用性的改善,它促进了食物链中更好的信息管理。分享。目前的分析还表明,对供应链代理之间行为不确定性的管理有所改善,并增加了公司的“ 知识以及供应链管理能力。虽然该研究仍然具有探索性,但它为选择理论方法和为未来的区块链研究制定新假设提供了基础。