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Divergent selection signatures of phenotypic and production traits among conserved and commercial cattle breeds
Livestock Science ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.livsci.2020.104174
Artur Gurgul , Igor Jasielczuk , Tomasz Szmatoła , Ewa Sosin-Bzducha , Anna Majewska , Zygmunt Litwińczuk

In this study we aimed to detect selection signatures for ten cattle breeds (1,659 animals) representing three major production types (beef, milk, and dual-purpose). By using Illumina BovineSNP50 genotyping assay and FST statistics (standardized and smoothed across genome in 10-SNP sliding window), we have detected selection signal characteristics for separate breeds as well as for breed groups across the production types. This analysis revealed 6 to 12 genome sites per breed spanning the strongest divergent selection signals. Across the whole studied population, the size of these regions ranged from 383 kb to 4.7 Mb, with an average of 1.03 Mb. The regions under selection were distributed on 21 different autosomes. The highest number of divergent selection signals shared by different breeds were found on chromosomes: 6 (n = 17), 14 (n = 9), and 18 (n = 8). Comparison among the production types revealed 5 (milk vs. meat) to 10 (meat vs. dual-purpose) strong selection signals, of which the highest number were detected on chromosomes: 14, 6, and 2. The analysis of gene content of the regions identified genes related to major phenotypic traits differing the breeds. Candidate loci overlapping with genes associated with production (e.g. MSTN, PLAG1), coat color (e.g. MC1R, KIT), disease resistance, general development, fertility, and metabolism regulation were identified and proposed as selection candidates. The presented results provide significant information about possible cause of differences in breed-specific features and are a good complement to current knowledge on genetic differentiation among various cattle breeds.



在这项研究中,我们旨在检测代表三种主要生产类型(牛肉,牛奶和双重用途)的十个牛品种(1,659只动物)的选择特征。通过使用Illumina BovineSNP50基因分型分析和F ST统计数据(在10-SNP滑动窗口中对基因组进行标准化和平滑处理)后,我们检测到了不同品种以及跨生产类型的品种组的选择信号特征。该分析揭示了每个品种6至12个基因组位点,跨越最强的发散选择信号。在整个研究人群中,这些区域的大小范围为383 kb至4.7 Mb,平均为1.03 Mb。选择的区域分布在21种不同的常染色体上。在染色体上发现了不同品种共有的最多发散选择信号:6(n  = 17),14(n  = 9)和18(n = 8)。生产类型之间的比较揭示了5个(牛奶与肉类)至10个(肉类与双重用途)强选择信号,其中在染色体14、6和2上检测到的信号最大。这些地区确定了与不同品种的主要表型性状相关的基因。候选基因座与与生产相关的基因(例如MSTN,PLAG1),外壳颜色(例如MC1R,KIT)重叠),疾病抵抗力,总体发育,生育力和代谢调节被确定,并被建议作为选择候选对象。提出的结果提供了有关特定品种特征差异的可能原因的重要信息,并且是对当前各种牛品种间遗传分化知识的很好补充。
