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George E. Davis (1850–1907): Transition From Consultant Chemist to Consultant Chemical Engineer in a Period of Economic Pressure
Ambix ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1080/00026980.2020.1794674
Peter Reed 1

This article explores how George Davis’s vision for chemical engineering was contingent upon both the national economic conditions of the period (1870–1900) and the critical transition to more economic production for chemical manufacture. Trade tariffs and international competition exacerbated an already challenging economic climate and stricter government regulation of pollution from chemical manufactories added further pressure. Sectors of the British chemical industry faced over-capacity and over-production, while most sectors were wasteful of materials and energy and were over-manned. Davis’s motivation was borne of his work as a chemist, as a consultant, and as an inspector with the Alkali Inspectorate. His search for knowledge and understanding was garnered from on-going investigations in the field and in his Technical Laboratory, coupled with developments in equipment and machinery. Recognising his own limited capability to overhaul the British chemical industry, Davis promoted his framework of chemical engineering to increase the cadre of chemical engineers.


George E. Davis (1850–1907):在经济压力时期从顾问化学家转变为顾问化学工程师

本文探讨了乔治·戴维斯 (George Davis) 对化学工程的看法如何取决于该时期 (1870-1900) 的国民经济状况以及化学制造向更经济生产的关键过渡。贸易关税和国际竞争加剧了本已充满挑战的经济环境,而政府对化学品制造厂污染的更严格监管则进一步增加了压力。英国化学工业部门面临产能过剩和生产过剩,而大多数部门都浪费材料和能源,人员过多。戴维斯的动机来自他作为化学家、顾问和碱检查局的检查员的工作。他对知识和理解的探索是从该领域和他的技术实验室正在进行的调查中获得的,随着设备和机械的发展。意识到自己对英国化学工业进行全面改革的能力有限,戴维斯提升了他的化学工程框架,以增加化学工程师的骨干队伍。