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Vigorous convection in porous media
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.1098/rspa.2020.0111
D R Hewitt 1

The problem of convection in a fluid-saturated porous medium is reviewed with a focus on ‘vigorous’ convective flow, when the driving buoyancy forces are large relative to any dissipative forces in the system. This limit of strong convection is applicable in numerous settings in geophysics and beyond, including geothermal circulation, thermohaline mixing in the subsurface and heat transport through the lithosphere. Its manifestations range from ‘black smoker’ chimneys at mid-ocean ridges to salt-desert patterns to astrological plumes, and it has received a great deal of recent attention because of its important role in the long-term stability of geologically sequestered CO2. In this review, the basic mathematical framework for convection in porous media governed by Darcy’s Law is outlined, and its validity and limitations discussed. The main focus of the review is split between ‘two-sided’ and ‘one-sided’ systems: the former mimics the classical Rayleigh–Bénard set-up of a cell heated from below and cooled from above, allowing for detailed examination of convective dynamics and fluxes; the latter involves convection from one boundary only, which evolves in time through a series of regimes. Both set-ups are reviewed, accounting for theoretical, numerical and experimental studies in each case, and studies that incorporate additional physical effects are discussed. Future research in this area and various associated modelling challenges are also discussed.



当驱动浮力相对于系统中的任何耗散力较大时,流体饱和多孔介质中的对流问题将重点讨论“剧烈”对流流动。这种强对流限制适用于地球物理学及其他领域的许多环境,包括地热循环、地下温盐混合和通过岩石圈的热传输。它的表现形式从大洋中脊的“黑烟”烟囱到盐漠模式再到占星学羽状物,由于其在地质封存 CO2 的长期稳定性中的重要作用,它最近受到了极大的关注。在这篇综述中,概述了受达西定律支配的多孔介质中对流的基本数学框架,并讨论了其有效性和局限性。审查的主要焦点分为“双侧”和“单侧”系统:前者模仿从下方加热并从上方冷却的电池的经典瑞利-贝纳设置,允许详细检查对流动力学和通量;后者只涉及来自一个边界的对流,它会随着时间的推移通过一系列机制演变。两种设置都进行了审查,在每种情况下都考虑了理论、数值和实验研究,并讨论了包含额外物理效应的研究。还讨论了该领域的未来研究和各种相关的建模挑战。允许详细检查对流动力学和通量;后者只涉及来自一个边界的对流,它会随着时间的推移通过一系列机制演变。两种设置都进行了审查,在每种情况下都考虑了理论、数值和实验研究,并讨论了包含额外物理效应的研究。还讨论了该领域的未来研究和各种相关的建模挑战。允许详细检查对流动力学和通量;后者只涉及来自一个边界的对流,它会随着时间的推移通过一系列机制演变。两种设置都进行了审查,在每种情况下都考虑了理论、数值和实验研究,并讨论了包含额外物理效应的研究。还讨论了该领域的未来研究和各种相关的建模挑战。