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Integrating Real-Time Monitoring Data in Risk Assessment for Crane Related Offshore Operations
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-18 , DOI: 10.3390/jmse8070532
Giuseppa Ancione , Nicola Paltrinieri , Maria Francesca Milazzo

The oil and gas sector is one of the most dangerous and stringent workplaces, due to the hazardousness of materials involved as well as the critical tasks that workers have to perform. Cranes are widely used in this sector for several activities. A wrong load lifting or handling often is due to a limited visibility of working area and could bring to severe accidental scenarios, for this reason safety of these operations becomes of paramount importance. The use of safety devices, that provide an augmented vision to the crane-operator, is essential to avoid potential accidents, moreover risk analysis could benefit from the acquisition of real time information about the process. This work aims to extrapolate and adapt dynamic risk assessment concepts for crane-related operations of a typical oil and gas industry by means of the support of safety devices. To achieve this objective, a set of risk indicators, reporting continuous information about the operations that are carried out, will be defined; successively, a technique of aggregation of these indicators will also be applied with the aim to update the frequency of critical events by a proper Risk Metric Reduction Factor that accounts for the effect of the use of safety barriers.


