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Multimarker response of the ragworm Hediste diversicolor (Polychaeta) to seawater acidification derived from potential CO2 leakage from the CCS sub-seabed storage site in the Baltic Sea
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology ( IF 2 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jembe.2020.151433
Adam Sokołowski , Dominika Brulińska , Ewa Sokołowska

Abstract Sub-seabed Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is conceived as safe technology with small likehood of negative consequences to the marine ecosystem but CO2 escape from geological reservoir still poses potential environmental risk. If carbon dioxide leakage occurs carbonate chemistry in the bottom zone and sessile benthic fauna are expected to be the most likely affected by elevated levels of CO2. Though generic mechanisms and advisory conclusions on the presumable impact of increased acidity on the marine benthic biota were formulated they cannot be applied uniformly across different environmental variables as specific local conditions may alter biological response to hypercapnia. A laboratory experiment was conducted to quantify the effects of medium-term (8 wk) exposure to seawater acidification (pH 7.7–6.5) on the infaunal polychaete Hediste diversicolor from the southern Baltic Sea using multimarker approach. Under moderate acidity (pH 7.5 and 7.1) the polychaetes were found to increase metabolic rate (by 13.4% and 19.6%, respectively) and reduce their body mass (by 8.1% and 5.5% wet weight, respectively and by 6.1% and 3.0% dry weight, respectively) whilst enhancing synthesis of antioxidant malondialdehyde (by 22.8% and 65.3%, respectively). In the most acidic environment (pH 6.5) the ragworms showed overall metabolic slow down (by 34.8%) and impaired growth (e.g. by 10.2% for length of the first three segments) indicative of low vulnerability to hypercapnia. High implicit tolerance of the polychaetes to increased acidity in the environment stems inevitably from a certain level of pre-adaptation to pH reduction events which occur in organic-rich stratified sediments due to intense aerobic biomineralization leading often to oxygen depletion and formation of toxic hydrogen sulphide. Acidification did not affect energetic reserves suggesting that costs of acid-base maintenance were covered mainly from assimilated food and that proteins were not used as metabolic substrates.


蛔虫 Hediste diversicolor (Polychaeta) 对来自波罗的海 CCS 海底储存场潜在 CO2 泄漏的海水酸化的多标记响应

摘要 海底碳捕集与封存(CCS)被认为是一种安全的技术,对海洋生态系统产生负面影响的可能性很小,但从地质储层中逸出的二氧化碳仍会带来潜在的环境风险。如果二氧化碳泄漏发生在底部区域的碳酸盐化学,预计无柄底栖动物最有可能受到二氧化碳浓度升高的影响。尽管制定了关于酸度增加对海洋底栖生物群的可能影响的一般机制和咨询结论,但它们不能统一应用于不同的环境变量,因为特定的当地条件可能会改变对高碳酸血症的生物反应。进行了一项实验室实验,以量化中期(8 周)暴露于海水酸化(pH 7.7-6)的影响。5) 使用多标记方法对来自波罗的海南部的底栖多毛动物 Hediste diversicolor 进行研究。在中等酸度(pH 7.5 和 7.1)下,发现多毛类动物可以提高代谢率(分别增加 13.4% 和 19.6%)并减少它们的体重(分别减少 8.1% 和 5.5% 湿重以及减少 6.1% 和 3.0%)干重),同时增强抗氧化剂丙二醛的合成(分别增加 22.8% 和 65.3%)。在最酸性的环境 (pH 6.5) 中,蛔虫表现出整体代谢减慢(34.8%)和生长受损(例如前三个节段的长度降低 10.2%),表明对高碳酸血症的脆弱性较低。多毛类对环境酸度增加的高度隐性耐受不可避免地源于一定程度的预先适应 pH 值降低事件,由于强烈的有氧生物矿化经常导致氧气耗尽和有毒硫化氢的形成,这些事件发生在富含有机物的分层沉积物中. 酸化不影响能量储备,这表明维持酸碱的成本主要来自同化食物,并且蛋白质不用作代谢底物。