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PLS-Based Secrecy Transmission for VANETs
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology ( IF 6.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.1109/tvt.2020.2994446
Huanhuan Song , Hong Wen , Jie Tang , Yi Chen , Feiyi Xie , Run-Fa Liao , Songlin Chen

Due to the requirement of real time controlling on the vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs), the security measure should be fast, lightweight, and strong. In this paper, we investigate the secure communication between the on-board unit and the roadside unit which has strong computing ability to remedy the insufficient computing power of on-board unit. The novel schemes are developed to guarantee both security and energy harvest. Specifically, a muti-antenna roadside unit (PT) conveys a secret message to a muti-antenna primary on-board unit (PR) intercepted by multiple muti-antenna adversaries (Eves). Simultaneously, a secondary roadside unit (ST) adopts simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) strategy to send secret-free data embeded with energy-carrying artificial noise (AN) to its service subscriber (SR), by which secrecy guarantee is provided for the primary on-board unit and the quality of service (QoS) is satisfied, i.e., data traffic and harvested energy. Technically, considering the secondary link's data transmission rate, harvested energy, and transmit power, we propose joint power allocation designs for the nonconvex secrecy rate maximization (SRM) problems under either perfect channel state information (CSI) or norm-bounded channel uncertainty model. Simulation results show that the proposed secondary link-aided secrecy designs can achieve better performance in terms of secrecy rate and energy efficiency.


基于 PLS 的 VANET 保密传输

由于对车载自组织网络 (VANET) 的实时控制的要求,安全措施应该是快速、轻量和强大的。在本文中,我们研究了车载单元与具有强大计算能力的路侧单元之间的安全通信,以弥补车载单元计算能力不足的问题。开发新方案是为了保证安全性和能量收集。具体来说,多天线路边单元 (PT) 将秘密消息传送到被多个多天线对手 (Eves) 拦截的多天线主车载单元 (PR)。同时,二级路边单元(ST)采用同步无线信息和电力传输(SWIPT)策略向其服务用户(SR)发送嵌入了载能人工噪声(AN)的无秘密数据,通过它为主要车载单元提供保密保证并满足服务质量(QoS),即数据流量和收集的能量。从技术上讲,考虑到辅助链路的数据传输速率、收集的能量和发射功率,我们针对完美信道状态信息 (CSI) 或范数有界信道不确定性模型下的非凸保密速率最大化 (SRM) 问题提出了联合功率分配设计。仿真结果表明,所提出的二级链路辅助保密设计可以在保密率和能源效率方面获得更好的性能。和发射功率,我们针对完美信道状态信息 (CSI) 或范数有界信道不确定性模型下的非凸保密速率最大化 (SRM) 问题提出了联合功率分配设计。仿真结果表明,所提出的二级链路辅助保密设计可以在保密率和能源效率方面获得更好的性能。和发射功率,我们针对完美信道状态信息 (CSI) 或范数有界信道不确定性模型下的非凸保密速率最大化 (SRM) 问题提出了联合功率分配设计。仿真结果表明,所提出的二级链路辅助保密设计可以在保密率和能源效率方面获得更好的性能。