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Defining the baseline for river restoration: comparing carabid beetle diversity of natural and human-impacted riparian habitats
Journal of Insect Conservation ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-15 , DOI: 10.1007/s10841-020-00253-z
Claudia Sprößig , Sascha Buchholz , Frank Dziock

Near-natural rivers and riparian ecosystems can represent biodiversity hotspots harbouring many highly specialised, rare and endangered species. During the past centuries, these habitats have been heavily degraded by anthropogenic use, and therefore river restoration is one of the most striking fields of action that is legally defined by the European Union Water Framework Directive. Successful restoration depends on realistic and specified targets that should be defined beforehand and founded on status quo surveys. We present a comparison of carabid beetle communities in riparian habitats of natural and managed river sites of the Mulde River in the Biosphere Reserve Middle Elbe. This endeavour is part of a unique multi-level revitalisation project. Pitfall trapping in 2016 and 2017 yielded 111 carabid species with many species of conservation concern in natural and managed habitats. However, Simpson diversity and functional diversity were lower in the latter. Both habitats harboured specific species assemblages with characteristic indicator species. Additionally, the trap location on slip-off slopes or cut banks was a significant driver of species composition. Our results indicate high ecological development potentials for the Mulde River, but restoration should consider differences between slip-off slopes and cut-off banks. We postulate that future restoration will foster population increases as well as a wider distribution of rare and endangered riparian habitat specialists.



接近自然的河流和河岸生态系统可以代表生物多样性热点,其中包含许多高度专业化、稀有和濒临灭绝的物种。在过去的几个世纪里,这些栖息地因人为使用而严重退化,因此河流恢复是欧盟水框架指令法律定义的最引人注目的行动领域之一。成功的恢复取决于现实和具体的目标,这些目标应该事先确定并建立在现状调查的基础上。我们比较了易北河中游生物圈保护区穆尔德河自然和管理河流遗址的河岸栖息地中的甲虫群落。这一努力是一个独特的多层次振兴项目的一部分。2016 年和 2017 年的陷阱陷阱产生了 111 种在自然和受管理栖息地中具有许多保护问题的carabid 物种。然而,后者的辛普森多样性和功能多样性较低。两个栖息地都拥有具有特征指示物种的特定物种组合。此外,滑坡或断岸上的陷阱位置是物种组成的重要驱动因素。我们的研究结果表明穆尔德河具有很高的生态发展潜力,但修复工作应考虑滑坡和截流河岸之间的差异。我们假设未来的恢复将促进人口增加以及稀有和濒危河岸栖息地专家的更广泛分布。两个栖息地都拥有具有特征指示物种的特定物种组合。此外,滑坡或断岸上的陷阱位置是物种组成的重要驱动因素。我们的研究结果表明穆尔德河具有很高的生态发展潜力,但修复工作应考虑滑坡和截流河岸之间的差异。我们假设未来的恢复将促进人口增加以及稀有和濒危河岸栖息地专家的更广泛分布。两个栖息地都拥有具有特征指示物种的特定物种组合。此外,滑坡或断岸上的陷阱位置是物种组成的重要驱动因素。我们的研究结果表明穆尔德河具有很高的生态发展潜力,但修复工作应考虑滑坡和截流河岸之间的差异。我们假设未来的恢复将促进人口增加以及稀有和濒危河岸栖息地专家的更广泛分布。但修复应考虑滑坡和截流岸之间的差异。我们假设未来的恢复将促进人口增加以及稀有和濒危河岸栖息地专家的更广泛分布。但修复应考虑滑坡和截流岸之间的差异。我们假设未来的恢复将促进人口增加以及稀有和濒危河岸栖息地专家的更广泛分布。