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Effects of preservation on protein extraction in four seaweed species
Journal of Applied Phycology ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-13 , DOI: 10.1007/s10811-020-02197-y
Tom Wijers , Alwin Hylkema , Tsjippie Visser , Klaas Timmermans

Using either freshly pulped or preserved seaweed biomass for the extraction of protein can have a great effect on the amount of protein that can be extracted. In this study, the effect of four preservation techniques (frozen, freeze-dried, and air-dried at 40 and 70 °C) on the protein extractability, measured as Kjeldahl nitrogen, of four seaweed species, Chondrus crispus (Rhodophyceae), Ascophyllum nodosum, Saccharina latissima (both Phaeophyceae) and Ulva lactuca (Chlorophyceae), was tested and compared with extracting freshly pulped biomass. The effect of preservation is species dependent: in all four seaweed species, a different treatment resulted in the highest protein extractability. The pellet (i.e., the non-dissolved biomass after extraction) was also analyzed as in most cases the largest part of the initial protein ended up in the pellet and not in the supernatant. Of the four species tested, freeze-dried A. nodosum yielded the highest overall protein extractability of 59.6% with a significantly increased protein content compared with the sample before extraction. For C. crispus extracting biomass air-dried at 40 °C gave the best results with a protein extractability of 50.4%. Preservation had little effect on the protein extraction for S. latissima; only air-drying at 70 °C decreased the yield significantly. Over 70% of the initial protein ended up in the pellet for all U. lactuca extractions while increasing the protein content significantly. Extracting freshly pulped U. lactuca resulted in a 78% increase in protein content in the pellet while still containing 84.5% of the total initial total protein. These results show the importance of the right choice when selecting a preservation method and seaweed species for protein extraction. Besides the extracted protein fraction, the remaining pellet also has the potential as a source with an increased protein content.



使用新鲜制浆的或腌制的海藻生物质进行蛋白质提取会对提取的蛋白质量产生很大影响。在这项研究中,四种保存技术(冷冻,冷冻干燥和在40和70°C下风干)对四种海藻物种(Chondrus crispus(Rhodophyceae),Ascophyllum)的四种海藻蛋白的提取率(以凯氏定氮法)结节藻糖衣藻Saccharina latissima)和紫薇(绿藻科),进行了测试,并与提取新鲜制浆的生物质进行了比较。保存的效果取决于物种:在所有四个海藻物种中,不同的处理导致最高的蛋白质提取率。还对沉淀物(即提取后未溶解的生物质)进行了分析,因为在大多数情况下,大部分初始蛋白质最终沉淀在沉淀物中,而不是在上清液中。在所测试的四个物种中,与提取前的样品相比,冷冻干燥的结节曲霉的总蛋白质提取率最高,为59.6%,蛋白质含量显着增加。对于C. crispus提取在40°C下风干的生物质以50.4%的蛋白质提取率获得了最佳结果。保存对葡萄链球菌的蛋白质提取影响不大; 仅在70°C下风干会明显降低产量。超过70%的初始蛋白质最终可用于所有U.lactus提取物的沉淀中,同时显着增加了蛋白质含量。提取新鲜制浆的U. lactuca导致沉淀中蛋白质含量增加78%,但仍占初始总蛋白质的84.5%。这些结果表明,在选择用于蛋白质提取的保存方法和海藻种类时,正确选择的重要性。除了提取的蛋白质部分,其余的沉淀物还具有作为潜在的蛋白质含量增加的来源。
