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Context-aware auction solution of cooperative fish market monitoring system for intelligent user
Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences ( IF 6.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-14 , DOI: 10.1186/s13673-020-00234-w
Yeong-Seok Seo , Jun-Ho Huh

This study proposes a context-aware auction solution suitable for the intelligent user. The solution informs the most reasonable prices for brokers after considering the size of each species of the catch along with other information and their effects on the fish price. This solution is expected to improve the safety of the catch and increase the competitiveness of auction sites by introducing a digitalized auction system to replace the traditional analog system which could be unsanitary sometimes. The solution’s Unified Modeling Language has been developed with Java Android and the data obtained from the proposed solution is useful in simplifying the bidding process, avoiding over-heated bidding, or stabilizing the fish prices for consumers in the distribution process starting from a broker, distributor and then to consumers. Such a simplified procedure will be able to maintain the freshness of the catch and strengthen the food safety as well as the competitiveness of auction sites, assisting brokers who often experience some difficulties in making a decision on the bidding price due to many variables. This study has focused on the new paradigms, software, middleware and systems for intelligent user. Thus, cost reduction was considered mainly in terms of software engineering. The proposed system is to be supplied with a price 30% less than the existing systems.



这项研究提出了适合智能用户的上下文感知拍卖解决方案。该解决方案在考虑了每种捕获物的大小以及其他信息及其对鱼价的影响之后,为经纪人提供了最合理的价格。通过引入数字化拍卖系统来代替有时可能不卫生的传统模拟系统,该解决方案有望提高捕获物的安全性并提高拍卖场的竞争力。该解决方案的统一建模语言是使用Java Android开发的,从提议的解决方案中获得的数据可用于简化投标过程,避免投标过热,或者在分销过程中从经纪人,分销商开始为消费者稳定鱼价然后到消费者。这种简化的程序将能够保持渔获物的新鲜度,并增强食品安全性和拍卖地点的竞争力,从而协助经纪人,由于许多可变因素,他们常常在决定投标价格时遇到一些困难。这项研究集中于针对智能用户的新范例,软件,中间件和系统。因此,主要在软件工程方面考虑降低成本。提议的系统将以比现有系统低30%的价格提供。面向智能用户的中间件和系统。因此,主要在软件工程方面考虑降低成本。提议的系统将以比现有系统低30%的价格提供。面向智能用户的中间件和系统。因此,主要在软件工程方面考虑降低成本。提议的系统将以比现有系统低30%的价格提供。