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Bat activity and evidence of bat migration at two high elevation passes in the Western Alps
European Journal of Wildlife Research ( IF 2 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-14 , DOI: 10.1007/s10344-020-01402-0
Enrico Caprio , Elena Patriarca , Paolo Debernardi

Information about bat migration routes across the Alps is generally scarce and there is no existing data available for the Italian part of the chain. Through acoustic surveys, we explored the possibility that even a region characterized by high Alpine mountains may be crossed by migrant bats. Data were recorded in August–September 2016 at two sites located near mountain passes in the Aosta Valley (NW Italy), respectively for 29 and 53 entire nights. Activity of different species/acoustic groups of species was associated with period and weather variables, the most important of which was wind speed (negatively related), followed by temperature (positively related). Only the acoustic group N. leisleri/N. noctula/V. murinus/E. serotinus, at both sites, showed a significant increase in activity in the period 31 August–14 September. Additional elements suggesting the occurrence of a late-summer migratory flow involving this group were the fact that it mainly consists of migratory species; the attribution to N. leisleri of the sequences that could be identified at the species level; and the timing of activity through the night (generally later than the other bats) and some characteristics of the recorded calls. Contacts with B. barbastellus were recorded at both study sites, possibly due to migrating individuals or, as an alternative, to resident bats using open environments located far from woods during the summer. The occurrence of P. kuhlii was ascertained at the highest elevation so far reported for this species in the Alps (2208 m a.s.l.).



有关跨越阿尔卑斯山脉的蝙蝠迁徙路线的信息通常很少,并且尚无链上意大利部分的现有数据。通过声学调查,我们探索了即使是以高山高山为特征的地区也可能被迁徙蝙蝠穿越的可能性。2016年8月至9月,在奥斯塔山谷(意大利西北部)山口附近的两个地点记录了整晚29和53个晚上的数据。不同物种/声学组的活动与周期和天气变量有关,其中最重要的是风速(负相关),其次是温度(正相关)。仅声学组N. leisleri / N。夜蛾 murinus / E。血清素在8月31日至9月14日期间,这两个站点的活动都显着增加。暗示该群体发生了夏末迁徙潮的其他因素是,它主要由迁徙物种组成。可以在物种一级确定的序列归因于猪笼草;以及通宵活动的时间(通常晚于其他蝙蝠)以及所记录通话的一些特征。在两个研究地点都记录了与巴氏芽孢杆菌的接触,这可能是由于个体的迁徙,或者是由于夏天在远离树林的开放环境中,蝙蝠与常住蝙蝠的接触。kuhlii的发生 在阿尔卑斯山(2208 m asl),迄今为止已确定该物种的最高海拔。