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Local dark energy in the Sculptor Filament of galaxies
Astrophysics and Space Science ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s10509-020-03840-3
M. V. Pruzhinskaya , A. D. Chernin , I. D. Karachentsev

Two dozens of different mass galaxies observed at distances less than 10 Mpc from the Local Group are organized in the elongated structure known as the Sculptor Filament. We use recent Hubble Space Telescope data on local galaxies to study the dynamical structure and evolutionary trends of the filament. An N-body computer model, which reproduces its observed kinematics, is constructed under the assumption that the filament is embedded in the universal dark energy background. In the model, the motions of the filament members are controlled by their mutual gravity attraction force and the anti-gravity repulsion force produced by the local dark energy. It is found that the dark energy repulsion dominates the force field of the outer parts of the filament. Because of this, the filament expands and its expansion proceeds with acceleration. The dark energy domination increases with cosmic time and introduces to the filament the linear velocity–distance relation with the universal time-rate (“the Hubble constant”) that depends asymptotically on the dark energy density only.



在距本星系群不到 10 Mpc 的距离处观察到的两个不同质量的星系被组织在称为雕刻灯丝的细长结构中。我们使用哈勃太空望远镜最近关于本地星系的数据来研究灯丝的动力学结构和演化趋势。在假设灯丝嵌入在普遍暗能量背景中的情况下,构建了一个 N 体计算机模型,该模型再现了其观察到的运动学。在模型中,灯丝构件的运动由它们相互的重力吸引力和局部暗能量产生的反重力排斥力控制。发现暗能量排斥主导了灯丝外部的力场。因此,灯丝膨胀并且其膨胀加速进行。