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Physical oceanographic conditions and a sensitivity study on meltwater runoff in a West Greenland fjord: Kangerlussuaq
Oceanologia ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.oceano.2020.06.001
Dennis Monteban , Jens Olaf Pepke Pedersen , Morten Holtegaard Nielsen

In this paper, we discuss the first setup of a hydrodynamic model for the fjord-type estuary Kangerlussuaq, located in West Greenland. Having such a high-fidelity numerical model is important because it allows us to fill in the temporal and spatial gaps left by in situ data and it allows us to examine the response of the fjord to changes in ice sheet runoff. The numerical model is calibrated against in situ data, and a one-year simulation was performed to study the seasonal variability in the physical oceanographic environment and the fjord's response to changing meltwater runoff. The fjord consists of two distinct parts: a deep inner part that is 80 km long with weak currents and a shallow part that covers the outer 100 km of the fjord connected to the ocean. The outer part has very fast currents, which we suggest prevents winter sea ice formation. The dominant currents in the fjord are oriented parallel to the long axis of the fjord and are driven by tides and (during summer) freshwater inflow from meltwater-fed rivers. Furthermore, mixing processes are characterized by strong tidal mixing and bathymetric restrictions, and the deep-lying water mass is subject to renewal primarily in wintertime and is almost dynamically decoupled from the open ocean during summertime. Finally, a sensitivity study on the changing meltwater runoff was performed, showing that increasing freshwater runoff considerably strengthens stratification in the upper 100 m of the water column in the inner part of the fjord.



在本文中,我们讨论了位于西格陵兰岛的峡湾型河口Kangerlussuaq的水动力模型的第一个设置。拥有如此高保真的数值模型非常重要,因为它可以让我们填补原位数据留下的时间和空间空白,并且可以让我们检查峡湾对冰盖径流变化的响应。数值模型针对原位数据进行了校准,并进行了为期一年的模拟,以研究物理海洋学环境中的季节变化以及峡湾对融水径流变化的响应。峡湾由两个截然不同的部分组成:深的内部部分长80公里,洋流微弱,而浅部分则覆盖了与海洋相连的峡湾外部100公里。外部电流非常快 我们建议防止冬季海冰形成。峡湾中的主导水流与峡湾的长轴平行,由潮汐和融水喂养的河流(夏季)流入淡水驱动。此外,混合过程的特征是强烈的潮汐混合和测深限制,并且深层水团主要在冬季更新,在夏季几乎与大洋动态分离。最后,对融水径流的变化进行了敏感性研究,结果表明,增加淡水径流会大大增强峡湾内部水柱上部100 m的分层。峡湾中的主导水流与峡湾的长轴平行,由潮汐和融水喂养的河流(夏季)流入淡水驱动。此外,混合过程的特征是强烈的潮汐混合和测深限制,并且深层水团主要在冬季更新,在夏季几乎与大洋动态分离。最后,对熔融水径流变化进行了敏感性研究,结果表明,增加淡水径流会大大增强峡湾内部水柱上部100 m的分层。峡湾中的主导水流与峡湾的长轴平行,由潮汐和融水喂养的河流(夏季)流入淡水驱动。此外,混合过程的特征是强烈的潮汐混合和测深限制,并且深层水团主要在冬季更新,在夏季几乎与大洋动态分离。最后,对熔融水径流变化进行了敏感性研究,结果表明,增加淡水径流会大大增强峡湾内部水柱上部100 m的分层。深水区的水质主要在冬季更新,在夏季几乎与海域动态分离。最后,对融水径流的变化进行了敏感性研究,结果表明,增加淡水径流会大大增强峡湾内部水柱上部100 m的分层。深水区的水质主要在冬季更新,在夏季几乎与海域动态分离。最后,对熔融水径流变化进行了敏感性研究,结果表明,增加淡水径流会大大增强峡湾内部水柱上部100 m的分层。
