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Assessment of living conditions in wild boars by analysis of oxidative stress markers
Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-10 , DOI: 10.1080/10888705.2020.1790365
Luigi Esposito 1 , Simona Tafuri 1 , Natascia Cocchia 1 , Roberto Fasanelli 2 , Nadia Piscopo 1 , Barbara Lamagna 1 , Vincente Eguren 3 , Andrea Amici 4 , Eugenio Luigi Iorio 5 , Francesca Ciani 1


This study demonstrated that it is possible to differentiate wild boars living in habitats with different animal densities by the measurement of oxidative stress markers. Therefore, reactive oxygen metabolites, the antioxidant barrier, i.e., the biological antioxidant potential and the antioxidative power (OXY-Adsorbent), as well as cortisol were measured in freely ranging wild boars. In two different areas of a State Forest in the Campania Region (Italy), 42 freely ranging, managed wild boars were captured with a corral trap, and blood samples were collected. The wild boars were divided by age (>1 year old and <1 year old) and sex (male and female). Animals in one area showed significantly higher values of oxidative stress parameters than those living in the other area. The annual boar censuses of areas highlighted a higher population density in the first area than in the second one, and this would explain the results obtained. Since the health or nutritional status of animals is reflected by oxidative stress, wild boars in areas with higher animal densities may live under worse conditions than animals in areas with lower densities which becomes evident by measuring oxidative stress markers. As cortisol in blood is only reflecting a short period, the measurement of oxidative stress level may be a better indicator to evaluate the living conditions of wild boars.




这项研究表明,可以通过测量氧化应激标记物来区分生活在具有不同动物密度的栖息地中的野猪。因此,在自由放养的野猪中测量了活性氧代谢产物,抗氧化剂屏障,即生物抗氧化剂电位和抗氧化能力(OXY-吸附剂)以及皮质醇。在坎帕尼亚地区(意大利)的州立森林的两个不同区域中,有42个自由分布的,经管理的野猪被捕畜器捕获,并收集了血液样本。野猪按年龄(> 1岁和<1岁)和性别(雄性和雌性)进行划分。一个地区的动物比其他地区的动物表现出更高的氧化应激参数值。该地区的年度公猪普查显示,第一个地区的人口密度高于第二个地区,这可以解释所获得的结果。由于动物的健康或营养状况是由氧化应激反映的,因此在动物密度较高的地区,野猪的生活条件可能比在动物密度较低的地区的野猪要差,这可以通过测量氧化应激标志物来看出。由于血液中的皮质醇仅反映短期,因此氧化应激水平的测量可能是评估野猪生活条件的更好指标。与动物密度较低的地区相比,动物密度较高的地区的野猪可能生活在较差的条件下,这可以通过测量氧化应激标记物来看出。由于血液中的皮质醇仅反映短期,因此氧化应激水平的测量可能是评估野猪生活条件的更好指标。与动物密度较低的地区相比,动物密度较高的地区的野猪可能生活在较差的条件下,这可以通过测量氧化应激标记物来看出。由于血液中的皮质醇仅反映短期,因此氧化应激水平的测量可能是评估野猪生活条件的更好指标。
