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A DNA mini-barcoding system for endangered unionid mussels in the Lake Biwa system in Japan
Conservation Genetics Resources ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-11 , DOI: 10.1007/s12686-020-01160-w
Kohji Mabuchi , Kazuya Nishida

A mini-barcoding system was developed to help identify endangered unionid mussels in the Lake Biwa system in Japan. A single primer set was designed to amplify a ca. 140-bp barcode fragment based on the published mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene sequences (ca. 350 bp) of Japanese unionids. The new primers successfully amplified genomic DNA from the foot tissues of 81 specimens of 12 target taxa from the Lake Biwa region. Sequencing, BLAST-searches and phylogenetic analyses of the amplified fragments confirmed that the mini-barcode had the same identification ability as the original sequences for Lake Biwa taxa. The mini-barcoding system also obtained the short barcodes from excreted materials, indicating its usefulness in nondestructive identification of these mussels.



开发了一种迷你条形码系统,以帮助识别日本琵琶湖系统中濒临灭绝的无性贻贝。单个引物组被设计以扩增一个CA。140 bp条码片段,基于已发表的日本尤尼德线粒体的线粒体16S rRNA基因序列(350 bp)。新的引物成功地从琵琶湖地区的12个目标分类单元的81个标本的足部组织中扩增了基因组DNA。扩增片段的测序,BLAST研究和系统发育分析证实,该迷你条形码具有与琵琶湖分类群的原始识别能力相同的识别能力。微型条形码系统还从排泄的材料中获得了短条形码,表明其在无损鉴别这些贻贝中的有用性。
