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Role of organic molecules in enabling modern technology
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-20 , DOI: 10.1116/6.0000099
Eric Caroca 1 , Tania Sandoval 1

The adsorption of organic molecules on surfaces has played an important role in the development of key technologies available today. These molecules provide unique functionalities and properties to the surface that will not exist otherwise. This article will focus on identifying the role of small organic molecules in applications related to energy, sensing, and electronics. Specifically, the authors explore the use of these molecules in improving biocompatibility, stability, conductivity, and passivation properties of surfaces. The authors aim to provide an understanding of how organic molecules have enabled and promoted modern technologies, and to elucidate the connection that exists between fundamental understanding of molecular adsorption and current applications.


