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Tuberculosis Chemotherapy Outcome in the Littoral Region of Cameroon: A Meta-analysis of Treatment Success Rate between 2014 and 2016.
BioMed Research International ( IF 3.246 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-08 , DOI: 10.1155/2020/8298291
Dorgelesse F Kouemo Motse 1 , Dickson Shey Nsagha 2 , Dieudonné Adiogo 3 , Loick P Kojom Foko 4, 5 , Pride M Teyim 6 , Alain Chichom-Mefire 7 , Jules C Nguedia Assob 1

Background. Tuberculosis (TB) is a public health concern, especially in resource-constrained countries like Cameroon. TB drug resistance is a major obstacle to control and prevent. Design. Data from 2014 to 2016 on the outcome of anti-TB treatment in the Littoral Region were reviewed manually and analysed using the meta-analysis concept. The treatment success rates (TSR) were the primary outcome used for this study. The heterogeneity statistics () was computed to orientate the choice of the best statistical model (binary fixed effect or random) to compute pooled value of TSR. Results. Using an intention-to-treat analysis, the pooled proportions of HIV-uninfected TB patients successfully cured from TB were low and slightly decreased by 1% between 2014 and 2016. Regarding HIV-infected TB patients, pooled values of TSR were lower than those of their HIV-negative counterparts with values ranging from 71% (95% CI: 63%-83%; ) in 2014 to 68% (95% CI: 58%-79%; ) in 2016. In addition, no heterogeneity was found in three years (; value = 1). These cure rates were strongly and negatively correlated with the rates of patients lost to follow-up regardless of the year. In HIV-infected patients, the pooled values of ITT analysis-based treatment success rates were 73% (, value = 0.0002), 71% (, value = 0.007), and 68% (, value = 0.004), respectively. The coverage rates with cotrimoxazole (CTX) gradually increased over year ranging from 78.90% in 2014 to 94.17% in 2016, similar to the coverage rate for ARV therapy that was 60.06% in 2014 against 90% in 2016. A positive and statistically significant correlation was found between the success of the anti-TB therapy in HIV-infected patients and coverage rates with CTX and ARV. Conclusion. An improvement in the reduction of percentage of lost to follow-up and coverage with CTX and ARV therapy could greatly increase chances to efficiently control TB in Cameroon.


喀麦隆沿海地区的结核病化疗结果:2014 年至 2016 年治疗成功率的荟萃分析。

背景。结核病 (TB) 是一个公共卫生问题,尤其是在喀麦隆等资源有限的国家。结核病耐药性是控制和预防的主要障碍。设计。人工审核了 2014 年至 2016 年沿海地区抗结核治疗结果的数据,并使用荟萃分析概念进行了分析。治疗成功率 (TSR) 是本研究使用的主要结果。异质性统计结果. 使用意向治疗分析,2014 年至 2016 年间,未感染 HIV 的结核病患者成功治愈的合并比例较低,略有下降 1%。对于 HIV 感染的结核病患者,TSR 的合并值低于那些其 HIV 阴性对应物的值范围为 71% (95% CI: 63%-83%;)在 2014 年达到 68% (95% CI: 58%-79%;) 2016 年。此外,三年内未发现异质性 (; 值 = 1)。无论年份如何,这些治愈率都与失访患者的比率呈强烈负相关。在 HIV 感染患者中,基于 ITT 分析的治疗成功率的汇总值为 73%(, 值 = 0.0002), 71% (, 值 = 0.007), 和 68% (, 值 = 0.004), 分别。复方新诺明 (CTX) 的覆盖率逐年上升,从 2014 年的 78.90% 上升到 2016 年的 94.17%,与 ARV 治疗的覆盖率相似,2014 年为 60.06%,而 2016 年为 90%。呈正相关且具有统计学意义在 HIV 感染患者的抗结核治疗的成功与 CTX 和 ARV 的覆盖率之间发现。结论。在降低失访率和 CTX 和 ARV 治疗覆盖率方面的改进可以大大增加喀麦隆有效控制结核病的机会。