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High purity substances – prototypes of elements of Periodic Table
Pure and Applied Chemistry ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-25 , DOI: 10.1515/pac-2019-1205
Yuri A. Karpov 1 , Mikhail F. Churbanov 2 , Vasilisa B. Baranovskaya 1, 3 , Olga P. Lazukina 2 , Ksenia V. Petrova 1

Abstract The Mendeleev Periodic Table of Chemical Elements delivered a strong impetus to the development of fundamental and applied chemistry, chemical technology, analytical chemistry, and material sciences. Each element under the Periodic Table is an idealized substance with a certain structure and properties as defined by existing theoretical frameworks. In the real world, we deal with substances that are close in composition to the element of Periodic Table under study but differ in the presence of different elements in them – impurities that distort (sometimes radically) the structure and properties of the target research object. For many centuries, humanity has sought to obtain pure substances in order to achieve desired properties. In the second half of the 20th century, a unique collection of high purity substances was created, which includes samples representing material artifacts, prototypes of elements of Periodic Table that contain record low contents of impurity elements. With ongoing scientific and technological progress, the achieved purity of substances continuously increases and, therefore, their approximation to idealized elements of Periodic Table. This is facilitated by: new technological processes for the production and storage of high purity substances with a constant decrease in the level of impurities; the creation of isotope-friendly substances; complexes of more highly sensitive multi-element analysis methods; identification of the unique properties of high purity substances, bringing them closer to the capabilities of analog elements of Periodic Table and much more. This article is devoted to progress in these areas. Special attention is also paid to the problems in modern analytical chemistry of high purity substances and the use of the latter in the metrology of chemical analysis as the standards of comparison.



摘要 门捷列夫化学元素周期表为基础和应用化学、化学技术、分析化学和材料科学的发展提供了强大的推动力。元素周期表下的每个元素都是一种理想化的物质,具有现有理论框架所定义的一定结构和性质。在现实世界中,我们处理的物质的成分与所研究的元素周期表中的元素接近,但其中存在的不同元素有所不同——杂质会扭曲(有时是从根本上)目标研究对象的结构和特性。几个世纪以来,人类一直寻求获得纯净的物质以实现所需的特性。在 20 世纪下半叶,创建了一个独特的高纯度物质集合,其中包括代表材料制品的样品,周期表中含有创纪录低杂质元素含量的元素原型。随着科学和技术的不断进步,所达到的物质纯度不断提高,因此,它们与元素周期表中的理想元素接近。这有利于: 生产和储存高纯度物质的新技术工艺,杂质含量不断降低;创造同位素友好的物质;更高灵敏度的多元素分析方法的复合物;鉴定高纯度物质的独特性质,使它们更接近周期表中类似元素的能力等等。本文致力于这些领域的进展。