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Grafting Alleviates Cadmium Toxicity and Reduces Its Absorption by Tomato
Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s42729-020-00289-9
Yongdong Xie , Huaqiang Tan , Guochao Sun , Huanxiu Li , Dong Liang , Hui Xia , Xun Wang , Ming’an Liao , Honghong Deng , Jin Wang , Yi Tang

A pot experiment was conducted to determine whether the grafting could improve growth and reduce cadmium (Cd) accumulation of tomato planted in Cd-contaminated soil. ‘Zhongyanhong 6’ (common tomato) and ‘Hongyu F1’ (cherry tomato) were grafted onto two varieties of wild eggplant ( Solanum torvum and Totosga ) and three varieties of tomato (‘Dalishengen’, ‘Banzhen18’, and ‘Guozhen 1’) rootstocks, respectively, and then transplanted in 10 mg kg −1 Cd-contaminated soil for 3 months. The results indicate that except for Totosga , grafting onto other rootstocks resulted in decreased growth and biomass of ‘Zhongyanhong 6’, but grafting increased growth and biomass of ‘Hongyu F1’, especially wild eggplant. Compared with un-grafted, grafting on ‘Guozhen’, Solanum torvum , and Totosga enhanced weight and size of two types of tomato fruits under Cd stress, but only S. torvum improved soluble sugar content and soluble solids of tomato fruits. The Cd content in plants and fruits of ‘HongyuF1’ grafted on five rootstocks was reduced, and only grafted on ‘Banzhen18’, Solanum torvum , and Totosga reduced Cd content in plants and fruits of ‘Zhongyanhong6’, especially two kinds of wild eggplant rootstocks had the most significant reduction in Cd content. Therefore, grafting on different rootstocks had different impacts on two types of tomato under Cd stress, and wild eggplant especially S. torvum is relatively better rootstock for both types of tomato.



进行盆栽试验以确定嫁接是否可以促进生长并减少种植在受镉污染土壤中的番茄的镉 (Cd) 积累。将'中艳红6号'(普通番茄)和'红玉F1'(樱桃番茄)嫁接到2个品种的野茄子(Solanum torvum和Totosga)和3个品种的番茄('大利生根'、'半真18'和'国真1号')上) 砧木,然后移植到 10 mg kg -1 Cd 污染的土壤中 3 个月。结果表明,除Totosga外,嫁接其他砧木均导致'中研红6号'生长和生物量下降,但嫁接增加了'红玉F1'的生长和生物量,尤其是野生茄子。与未嫁接相比,嫁接在'果真'、茄属和托托斯加上均提高了镉胁迫下两种番茄果实的重量和大小,但只有 S. torvum 提高了番茄果实的可溶性糖含量和可溶性固形物。'红玉F1'嫁接在5个砧木上的植株和果实中Cd含量降低,仅嫁接在'半真18'、茄属和Totosga上均降低了'中艳红6号'植株和果实中Cd的含量,尤其是两种野茄砧木Cd 含量的降低最为显着。因此,不同砧木嫁接对镉胁迫下两种番茄的影响不同,野生茄尤其是S. torvum是两种番茄的较好砧木。Totosga降低了'中艳红6号'植株和果实中Cd含量,其中两种野生茄砧木Cd含量降低最为显着。因此,不同砧木嫁接对镉胁迫下两种番茄的影响不同,野生茄尤其是S. torvum是两种番茄的较好砧木。Totosga降低了'中艳红6号'植株和果实中Cd含量,其中两种野生茄砧木Cd含量降低最为显着。因此,不同砧木嫁接对镉胁迫下两种番茄的影响不同,野生茄尤其是S. torvum是两种番茄的较好砧木。