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Alterations in the epidermis of the carp, Labeo rohita (Cyprinidae: Cypriniformes), infected by the bacteria, Aeromonas hydrophila: A scanning electron microscopic, histopathological and immunohistochemical investigation.
Journal of Fish Diseases ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1111/jfd.13204
Ayan Srivastava 1 , Arup Mistri 1 , Swati Mittal 1 , Ajay Kumar Mittal 1

This study was carried out to comprehend the pathogenicity of the bacteria in the epidermis of Labeo rohita inoculated with Aeromonas hydrophila . Alterations in the histopathology of the epidermis were examined using scanning electron microscopy, light microscopy and the localization of iNOS and caspase 3 + ve cells by means of immunohistochemical methods. Skin samples obtained from infected fish at different intervals 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 days showed significant changes in the cellular components of the epidermis. Epithelial cells often appeared hypertrophied with fragmented and loosely arranged microridges, and in the process of exfoliation. Mucous goblet cells increased significantly in density. Club cells showed degenerative changes, often with simultaneous confluence of adjacent cells and release of their contents. Increase in density of iNOS and caspase 3 + ve cells indicates inflammatory response and apoptosis. This study could provide valuable information on the pathogenesis of the disease, and disease outbreaks in farmed fish. Further, it could provide useful guidelines for fish farmers to take preventive measures for the control of the disease.


嗜水气单胞菌感染的鲤鱼Labeo rohita(鲤科:鲤形目)表皮的变化:扫描电镜,组织病理学和免疫组化研究。

本研究旨在了解接种嗜水气单胞菌的罗密欧表皮细菌的致病性。。使用扫描电子显微镜,光学显微镜以及通过免疫组织化学方法对iNOS和caspase 3 + ve细胞的定位,检查表皮组织病理学的变化。从感染鱼在第2、4、6、8和10天的不同间隔获得的皮肤样本显示表皮的细胞成分发生了显着变化。上皮细胞经常出现肥大的碎片状和松散排列的微脊,并且在剥脱过程中。粘液杯状细胞的密度显着增加。俱乐部细胞显示退行性变化,通常同时合并相邻细胞并释放其内含物。iNOS和caspase 3 + ve细胞密度增加表明炎症反应和细胞凋亡。这项研究可以提供有关该病的发病机理以及养殖鱼类疾病暴发的有价值的信息。此外,它可以为养鱼户采取预防措施控制该病提供有用的指导。