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Should I stay or should I go? A survey analysis of neighborhood change and residential mobility concerns around new light rail stations in Charlotte, NC
Journal of Transport Geography ( IF 5.899 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2020.102790
Isabelle Nilsson , Johanna C. Schuch , Elizabeth C. Delmelle , Kristine L. Canales

Abstract In this article, we examine the effects of rail transit investments on residents' stated mobility intentions and perceptions of neighborhood changes using a survey analysis in Charlotte, North Carolina. We ask residents in neighborhoods along a new light rail line about their reasons for residing in their current neighborhood, thoughts about moving and the light rail's effect on their neighborhood. To control for city-wide housing market pressures, responses from one station-adjacent neighborhood are compared to responses from residents in a similar neighborhood elsewhere in the city while controlling for individual characteristics. Using a mixed-methods research approach, we find that while residents attribute some changes in their property values and rents to the light rail, it is only one of many factors affecting their neighborhood. Light rail also does not appear to affect residents' stated propensity to move out of these neighborhoods. Survey respondents' view of the light rail's effect on their neighborhood is also positive, on average. We find that the stated likelihood of moving is not related to the distance to the station nor to how frequently a resident uses the light rail. This article contributes to debates on transit-induced displacement and gentrification and provides context to neighborhood-scale quantitative analyses from residents' perspective.



摘要 在本文中,我们使用北卡罗来纳州夏洛特的一项调查分析,研究了轨道交通投资对居民陈述的出行意愿和对邻里变化的看法的影响。我们向新轻轨沿线社区的居民询问他们居住在当前社区的原因、搬家的想法以及轻轨对社区的影响。为了控制全市范围的住房市场压力,在控制个人特征的情况下,将车站附近的一个社区的反应与城市其他地方类似社区的居民的反应进行比较。使用混合方法研究方法,我们发现虽然居民将其房产价值和租金的一些变化归因于轻轨,这只是影响他们社区的众多因素之一。轻轨似乎也不会影响居民陈述的搬出这些社区的倾向。平均而言,调查受访者对轻轨对他们社区的影响的看法也是积极的。我们发现,所述的移动可能性与到车站的距离或居民使用轻轨的频率无关。本文有助于关于交通引发的流离失所和高档化的辩论,并从居民的角度为邻里规模的定量分析提供背景。我们发现,所述的移动可能性与到车站的距离或居民使用轻轨的频率无关。本文有助于关于交通引发的流离失所和高档化的辩论,并从居民的角度为邻里规模的定量分析提供背景。我们发现,所述的移动可能性与到车站的距离或居民使用轻轨的频率无关。本文有助于关于交通引发的流离失所和高档化的辩论,并从居民的角度为邻里规模的定量分析提供背景。