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Volumetric and ultrasonic study of l-arginine/l-histidine and gentamicin sulphate in aqueous medium at different temperatures
Journal of Molecular Liquids ( IF 6 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2020.113736
Anil Kumar Nain

The nature of interaction of amino acid with drug are examined from the experimentally measured values of densities, ρ and ultrasonic speeds, u of l-arginine and l-histidine in aqueous-gentamicin sulphate (1% and 2% gentamicin sulphate in water, w/w) solvents over the temperature range from 293.15 K to 318.15 K and at atmospheric pressure. From the experimental ρ values, the apparent molar volume, Vϕ, limiting apparent molar volume, Vϕ°, transfer volume, Vϕ, tr°, and limiting partial molar expansivity, Eϕ° were obtained. Using the u data, acoustic parameters, viz., apparent molar compressibility, Ks, ϕ, limiting apparent molar compressibility, Ks, ϕ° and transfer compressibility, Ks, ϕ, tr° have been evaluated. The results have been interpreted in terms of possible solute-solute and solute-solvent interactions.



与药物氨基酸的相互作用的性质,从密度的实验测量值检查ρ和超声波速度,ü精氨酸和在含水硫酸庆大霉素(1%和2%硫酸庆大霉素水溶液组氨酸,瓦特/ w)溶剂,温度范围为293.15 K至318.15 K,且在大气压下。根据实验ρ值,表观摩尔体积V ϕ,极限表观摩尔体积V ϕ °,转移体积V ϕtr °和极限部分摩尔膨胀率E ϕ获得°。使用u数据,声学参数,即。,表观摩尔压缩率K sϕ,极限表观摩尔压缩率K sϕ °和传递压缩率K sϕtr °进行了评估。已根据可能的溶质-溶质和溶质-溶剂相互作用来解释结果。
